Winners of Nude Food Poster Competition

It was a pleasure to announce the Our Nude Food Poster Competition for 2023 at assembly on Friday. Our School Environment team found it challenging to decide the nine winning posters. Congratulations to Isabella B (4R), Zoe B (5G), Zoe C (5B), Matilda E (4G), Abby A, Emmett B (4R), Coran B (4R), Abby A, Ariana C (3B) and Yoshane A (5G)  


Thank you once again to all the students who have entered the Nude Food Poster competition this year.





Miss Do, Miss Felsinger, Mrs Rayner and Mrs Solari 


The Year 6 Environmental Leaders 

Annabelle Eimermacher, Rohit Khanna, Neisha Beatty and Elijah Roughan