

This term we were INVADED by soldier beetles. These interesting bugs caused excitment and mayham at some points. We were very lucky to have the area sprayed with organic bug spray which encouraged these little bugs to go back underground.


Demonstration lessons 

This term we have been focussing on explicit, direct instruction of teaching phonics and spelling. Many classes were taught by our Literacy consultant Mr Justin throughout the term, along with Mrs Batholomew and Mrs Candelori.  Our data shows this is an area of improvement for our entire school. We will shortly be running some parent workshops which will support you at home with your child. Here's a link you can follow to help with this new process. 




Year 6 Fundraiser 

Thank you to those who donated to our Year 6 fundraiser "The colour run!" - Today we were able to slime two more teachers ! . We have exceeded $20,000 in donations. I am running scared as once $25,000 is reached the school will get to slime me and green is not my colour. 

Keep the donations coming in. 


Student voice 

This term we hosted workshops with our Year 3-6 students. Years 3 and 4 gave great ideas around what a new school build should look like. Years 5 and 6 were able to give us some ideas for future directions for our school. At GPS student voice is very important so we can ensure we are planning for our future with students need at the centre of every decision.