P&F News

Dads in the Great Southern (DIGS)

Term Two is upon us and it's less than two weeks until the Camp-out on the GSG grounds!  Plans are coming together and it promises to be a fun night out at a truly unique campsite. Some final details around the catering are yet to be confirmed so make sure you join the "DIGS at GSG" Facebook group to access all the latest information.  Mums, please join so you can keep the Dads well informed!


DIGS Camp-out

Set up camp from 4.00pm on Saturday 6 May and break camp mid-morning on Sunday 7 May. The location is adjacent to the Vineyard in the southwest corner of the school grounds.  Please note that the gates to the gym car park will be locked so you will need to access the site by following the gravel track that runs behind the school from the top of the uniform shop / music building car park.


We will likely order pizzas for dinner on Saturday night and have a bacon and egg fry up on Sunday morning - cost to be confirmed.


It's largely BYO camping gear though we do have tents available to borrow if you don't have your own. Camper trailers etc are welcome.


Please RSVP to David Marshall on 0418 924 176 with the number of adults and kids so we can make sure we cater appropriately!

Important Dates

  • Wednesday 3 May - Regular meeting for fathers and father figures with children at Great Southern Grammar. This will be the first of our regular monthly meetings, please note the first Wednesday of each month during term time in your diary.  Upstairs at the Premier Hotel from 6.30pm. This will be a great opportunity to fine tune plans for the Camp-out.
  • Saturday 6 to Sunday 7 May - Camp-out on school grounds.

The DIGS is now on Facebook

Don't forget to join our Facebook group "DIGS at GSG" to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities.  Mums are welcome to join too!



Luke Murnane - DIGS President

0417 944 789


David Marshall - DIGS Coordinator

0418 924 176