Student Services : Wellbeing

Breakfast Club on Monday and Thursday mornings
Welcome to Term 2. We hope you had a restful break and are ready for an exciting term ahead. A reminder that all students are invited to Breakfast Club between 8:30 and 9:00am on Mondays and Thursdays in B6. Having breakfast has been shown to have a positive impact on factors such as physical and mental health, social skills, concentration, behaviour, attendance, and academic outcomes. There are a range of different breakfast items available (including crepes)! We are looking forward to increasing our options this year- stay tuned.
You don’t have to sign up or commit to this club, just pop by as you wish. We look forward to seeing you and your friends there for a healthy and delicious start to the day.
Year 12 Focus Group with NCASA
Late last term, a group of Year 12 students volunteered their time to participate in a focus group with Kaye from the Northern Centre Against Sexual Assault (NCASA). NCASA have been liaising with NHS students throughout the last three years. Focus groups such as these, and student feedback on different surveys, have assisted NCASA to develop and enhance their school programs that are delivered by NCASA’s preventative team across secondary schools in the Northern Region. NCASA have delivered whole-cohort student presentations, small group student workshops and staff professional development.
Although we didn’t have a lot of time, the students participating in this focus group provided really useful suggestions about presentation format, topics students are interested in learning more about, what topics the Year 12 cohort feel confident in already and other thoughtful insights such as how different members of the student community can feel more comfortable.
Thank you, Year 12s and NCASA, for your commitment to making our community more informed and safer for all.
PPEP Talk® for Trans and Gender Diverse Teens
The Pelvic Pain Foundation of Australia (PPFA) is pleased to invite Trans and Gender Diverse (TGD) teens and their families across Australia to attend the FREE online Periods, Pain and Endometriosis (PPEP Talk®) session.
PPEP Talk® focuses on educating young people around what are normal and not-so-normal period symptoms, simple strategies for pain management, how to support others in their life with pelvic pain, and where to go for further help. Online PPEP Talk® session for Trans and Gender Diverse Teens ensures that all LGBTQIA+ young people have access to our medically-informed and evidence-based program in a supportive, empowering and inclusive environment.
PPEP Talk® is suitable for ALL teens, and is inclusive of all genders, sexualities, and identities.
Register here: PPEP Talk® for Trans and Gender Diverse Teens - Pelvic Pain Foundation
External Parent/Family Information Events:
Berry Street : Tuning in to Teens
Family Services is offering Tuning in to Teens (parenting program) in Term 2.
When: Tuesdays 11:00 AM-1:00 PM for 6 consecutive weeks (16 May - 20 June).
Where: Online via Zoom
Price: FREE
Contact: Candice (0417 047 426) or Chantelle (0498 313 569)
For those of you that may be unfamiliar with the program, here are some key points and benefits:
- An interactive evidence-based parenting program developed by child psychologists from the University of Melbourne.
- Sessions are built around group discussion, activities and some roleplays where parents reflect on their parenting and practice the strategy of Emotion Coaching sharing their experiences with the group.
- Supports caregivers to better attune to their teen’s emotions and support them with these through Emotion Coaching.
- Supports caregivers to teach their teens how to better manage their emotions.
- Can reduce isolation for caregivers through peer support.
- Helps to prevent or reduce behaviour problems in teens through a more connected relationship with the caregiver.
- Helps promote resilience in teens.
Berry Street : T.A.R.A. Program
A workshop for parents of adolescents who are behaving with aggression and violence. This course runs over two mornings and aims to help parents feel less alone, better equipped, more hopeful and confident in their ability to respond to challenging behaviours.
Parent Zone- Online | Parents Building Solutions
When: Tuesday, 9th May- 6:45pm-8:15pm
Where: Online via Zoom
Price: FREE
Contact: Carey Cole- 0437428281 or
- Is your child anxious, angry, frustrated, jealous, or sad?
- Do you, or your children, struggle to express feelings appropriately?
- Would you like to support your children to develop resilience and self-soothing strategies?
- Would it be helpful to explore what other parents do to support their children?
Parenting is a tough job, but you are not alone! Join to explore positive parenting strategies to respond to your and your children’s big feelings.
Mindfulness in May
Mindfulness in May is the world’s largest online mindfulness campaign, encouraging everyone to spend the four weeks of May training our minds.
Mindfulness can help you in many ways – it can help you become calmer and more confident when faced with stress, it can help you control your emotions and responses, reduce ‘mind chatter’, and become more resilient with better coping mechanisms.
This year is the 10th anniversary of Mindfulness in May. See more information and register here- Mindful In May