Whole School Assembly

Bringing our community together
It was great to have the whole Northcote school community gather together today for assembly. School Captains Mya, Minnie, Neave and Mia put together a wonderful presentation for the school with a focus on National Sorry Day 26 May, Reconciliation Week and careers in STEM.
To complement this, we were joined by guest speakers Jade Rayner and Pablo Pleydell from Monash High Powered Rocket team, who explained to us what it takes to make a rocket blast off. Jade encouraged students to get involved with things that interested them beyond their studies because 'you may end up surprising yourself and trying new things.'
Last year's captains Noah, Amelie and Sophie joined us to present our 2023 captains with their NHS blazers and to talk about what leadership meant. They each reflected on what they valued from their Northcote High School years, with a common theme of valuing kindness, and reminded students to always try to show empathy to their peers. Our new year 7s were also welcomed with cheers and applause.
A huge thank you to the Senior Stage Band for the musical numbers that were enjoyed by all.