Student Services : Careers

What's on for Term 2?
Welcome to Term 2 Careers. This term we will be busy with Year 10 Work Experience, Course Expo, Subject selection for 2024 and exploring transition options with our Year 12 students.
Appointments will book out very quickly in June, so if you need to have a chat, make sure you book in early.
Stay up to date with transition planning in Year 12
Year 12 students are reminded to read the Weekly Careers News updates that are posted on Teams each Monday morning. The information provided is important in ensuring that you stay up to date on all the transition planning information you might need. Parents who are interested in reading this detailed weekly update can find them on Compass>School Documentation>Careers and Pathways>Careers News Weekly.
Year 10 Work experience
Year 10 students will be participating in their Work Experience program in the week of May 15th til May 19th. It was pleasing to see so many students submit their arrangement applications for face-to-face work experience. Students who were not able to arrange a ‘live’ work experience placement will be doing Virtual Work Experience from home. The Virtual components are compulsory and students will need to complete the set activities over the course of the week.