School Success Starts with Attendance

Being at school everyday makes a huge difference!

Going to school every day is the most important part of your child’s education. Students learn new things at school every day – missing school puts them behind.


Being at school every day makes a huge difference to student learning, social and emotional health and well-being.


Your child's attendance at school is important for supporting them in becoming principled, balanced and knowledgeable adults.


If your child is sick or absent, you are required to notify the school as soon as possible on the day of absence using one of the following methods;

  • Login to Xuno through the Xuno Parents app and from the menu select the 'Attendance' option. From there you are able to select any of your children enrolled in our College and notify us of a reason for a past absence or log a future absence.
  • Phone the school's office on (03) 8366 7700 and let the staff know your child's name, class, date of absence and also the reason.
  • E-mail the school and provide the staff with your child's name, class, date of absence and also the reason.

The whole school's overall class achievement this fortnight was awarded to both Prep F & 7A for their outstanding achievement of 95% attendance in our College.


Runner-up classes include;

1H, 2I & 4C with a fantastic 94% attendance. This is along with the amazing efforts of 6F with 93% attendance.


Breakdown of notable classes' highest percentage attendance across each year level;

Prep F – 95%

1H – 94%

2I – 94%

3B – 92%

4C – 94%

5A – 92%

6F – 93%

7A - 95%

8A - 92%


At the conclusion of last term, Saltwater College was lucky enough to have some community sponsors to support the work we are doing with attendance and held a raffle at the end-of-term assembly. We will be holding another raffle this term; entering students with a high total attendance over the term so that everyone has the opportunity to be involved again!

If there are any families in our community, whose business would like to be involved and who are able to donate to our end of term raffle, please contact Julia Sambell at Your support would be greatly appreciated in helping reward our amazing student attendance efforts!


Remember school success starts with attendance!