Year Three

Dear Year Three families,


The students have had a wonderful and busy start to Term Two! Hopefully, everyone had a fun and restful holiday, because it's going to be an action packed second term.



On our first day back at school the students participated in a range of ANZAC Day related activities to demonstrate our respect for the brave men and women who have served our country during times of war and conflict. This included a special assembly where the students heard a presentation from Saltwater students and a visiting RAAF Warrant Officer, wreathes were laid, the last post played and a minute of silence was held. The students were very respectful during such an important Australian and New Zealand commemoration.



In Reading this fortnight, the students have been consolidating their understanding of the elements of fluency, which include Accuracy, Rate, Expression and Punctuation. The students practised these skills while reading in pairs, and then set personal goals for improving their fluency. The students also went on to practise their retelling skills when reading fiction texts. The strategies they used included the 5-Finger and 'S.W.B.S.T' (Someone, Wanted, But, So, Then) strategies for retelling.  


In Writing this fortnight, the students have started exploring different types of poetry. They began by creating their own 'About Me' poems, before moving on to investigate Haika poems. The students began by investigating modelled examples of Haiku poems to determine the rules and structure -  which included, they had to have 3 lines, with 5, 7 & 5 syllables in each line, respectively. Below are two examples of poems written by Vaelyn (with help from his teacher) and Ryan in Class 3G, respectively:


Going to the zoo.

I want to see the lions.

I like when they fight!


Getting allergies.

Runny nose, sneezing, coughing.

No more fun today.


In Mathematics this fortnight, the students have been exploring the subtraction and addition components of Number and Algebra. They began by investigating the connections between addition and subtraction, moving on to solving worded subtraction story problems, and then investigating why it is important to know doubles facts.



This term we have started our second Unit of Inquiry under the Transdisciplinary Theme, 'Where we are in place and time'. The Central Idea for this unit is, 'Technological advancements have revolutionised our interactions with the world'. To provoke the students' wonderings about the unit they had the opportunity to participate in the interesting History Box incursion, as well as using a, 'See, Think, Wonder' visual thinking routine to record their thoughts on a series of provocation pictures representing the advancement of technology.


  • Although it is not compulsory for students to wear hats during recess and lunch this term, they are still welcome to wear hats on sunny days.
  • Please encourage students to complete their homework this fortnight. The homework is found on their Schoolbox pages.
  • Students are reminded to keep bringing in their Inquiry artefacts.
  • The Year 3/4 Athletics Carnival is on 8 May 2023. 
  • Student Led Conferences are on Tuesday 9th May 2023. Please book via Xuno to lock in a time.

Kind regards,

The Year 3 teachers