Principal Message

Term 2 - Week 8 - Friday 16th June

Staff Professional Learning

I hope all our families enjoyed the extra-long weekend!


On Tuesday the Mitcham Primary School staff participated in a full day of professional learning. We started our day reviewing our Term 3 Literacy priorities, we will continue focusing our attention on the teaching and learning of spelling using the THRASS toolkit and on the strategies, we are using to teach writing. Following this our Harvard trained Data Wise team, led staff in through a range of learning activities to build on assessment and data literacy skills. After lunch we turned our focus to student wellbeing and Department of Education initiatives that we are incorporating into our approach at Mitcham Primary School. Firstly, we explored how we are implementing a School Wide Positive Behaviour approach at MPS. School Wide Positive Behaviour is an approach that fosters a positive and supportive learning environment for all students. It involves creating a school-wide system that focuses on promoting and reinforcing positive behaviours rather than focusing on disciplinary measures. The key principles of this approach include setting clear behavioural expectations, teaching and modelling desired behaviours, providing consistent and fair consequences, and recognising and rewarding positive actions. By implementing School Wide Positive Behaviour, Mitcham Primary School aims to improve student behaviour, reduce disciplinary issues, enhance academic performance, and cultivate a safe and inclusive community where students can thrive and reach their full potential. 


We also explored the recently launched Department of Education High Impact Wellbeing Strategies (HIWS).  The HIWS were released by the Department of Education earlier this year, after research conducted in partnership with Monash University. The seven strategies complement the High Impact Teaching Strategies (HITS), which were published by the Department several years ago. The HIWS and HITS, when applied together, have been proven to have numerous positive effects on overall student development (learning and wellbeing).


The HIWS are:

  • Build relationships with students.
  • Facilitate peer relationships.
  • Establish and maintain clear classroom expectations.
  • Support inclusion and belonging.
  • Foster student self-efficacy.
  • Engage students.
  • Promote coping strategies and facilitate referrals.

Our staff explored the HIWS and reflected in teams on our current practices.


The great thing is these strategies are already happening right across the school. The research and case studies have proven their impact; however I am so proud that these wellbeing strategies are priorities and expectations of what we do at Mitcham Primary School and are already an embedded part of our culture here. We are well ahead of the game, and it is our students who are benefiting.


Wishing all families, a lovely weekend,
