Mr. Carlyle's Message

Hello families and welcome back to Term 3 after what I hope was an enjoyable winter break! 

Parent Teacher Interviews

Term 3 isn’t as jam packed with key dates as Term 2, which isn’t a bad thing! This will allow us to settle students into a calm and orderly routine of learning and allow for a really productive Term 3. However, parent-teacher interviews are not far away and I wanted to provide another ahead-of-time reminder regarding these as they are truly a fantastic celebration of the work students completed across terms 1 and 2. These will take place on Thursday the 20th of  July. On this day attendance is only required for your child’s conference. 


Bookings will be available via Xuno this week. 

2024 Enrolment 

Foundation enrollments for 2024 are also due. A reminder if you haven’t yet completed and returned enrolment forms and required evidence that these can be scanned and emailed or dropped off to the office.

Positive and Proactive Partnerships

A reminder as we head into Term 3 that one of the keys to supporting your child to be successful as a student at school both socially and academically is maintaining a positive partnership with the school and particularly their classroom teacher. Please make an effort to book and attend Parent Teacher Interviews to celebrate your child’s learning and please make sure if you have anything you wish to discuss that we value parents being positive and proactive in their interactions with us and will always take the time to listen and support students in the best way possible. 


Have a great weekend and I look forward to welcoming students back on Monday morning.



Bye for now!