Year 10 Commerce

Vermont Secondary College

Year 10 Commerce – Australian Share Market Competition

The ASX Stock Market Game is an engaging virtual stock market simulation meticulously designed to educate participants about the intricate workings of the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). In this captivating game, students are bestowed with the responsibility of adeptly managing a virtual portfolio of stocks, necessitating astute decision-making based on real-time market data. This immersive experience not only requires students to attentively observe stock charts but also requires a thorough analysis of data and access to up-to-the-minute industry information to make well-informed judgments. Recognising the inherent volatility of the stock market, participants must exhibit unwavering determination and courage to emerge victorious. Notably, Joey, Kyla, and Jonathan proved themselves as exceptional contenders, securing the top three positions in our class through their remarkable performances.  Well done!  

Joey C (Year 10)