Year 8 News

Vermont Secondary College

 Welcome back Year 8's

We hope you all had a wonderful break and are ready to move into the second half of Year 8 – already! 


End of Semester 1 reports are available on COMPASS as of Friday 14th of July.   

All students and parents are encouraged to read them thoroughly and reflect on the areas for improvement.   

Parents, please call the general office if you have lost/forgotten your parent password for COMPASS. 

Uniform Reminders  

VSC has a student dress code which promotes a sense of identity, cohesion, and collective pride. Please ensure that your child is wearing the full college uniform for all school days and when travelling to and from school.  

If a student is trying out for a sport or has training at lunchtime, the expectation is that students will be in their normal school uniform on the day and get changed into a PE Uniform for tryouts, then change back into their regular uniform for Period 4. If after school, students will be in normal school uniform for the school day and get changed into PE gear at the end of the day.     

If a student is unable to be in complete school uniform, please contact the relevant Student Manager by email so a Uniform Pass can be logged as a Compass Chronicle note. Please be advised Student Managers will continue to check uniforms regularly. 


VSC’s approved uniform supplier is PSW, located at Unit 8a/51 Lusher Rd, Croydon. Phone: 9768-0336.   

Orders can also be placed online at  


Students are again reminded to ensure that all valuables are placed in a locker and that this is secured with a combination or padlock as per school policy. Spare keys to be labelled and handed into your Student Managers so that we can assist when keys are lost/forgotten etc. Student Managers will continue checking lockers and reminding students.   




Subject Selection Presentation. 


This week students attended a presentation explaining the process regarding how to choose elective subjects for next year and key dates for submission. 


Web Preference (our software program that students enter their elective choices in) will open on Friday July 21st for all students. 

Students will need to have their elective choices submitted on Web Preferences by Wednesday August 9th. 


This presentation was recorded and uploaded onto the VSC Website along with subject video presentations outlining what’s on offer next year and what these subjects are all about. 

We would like to encourage all parents to view this content with their child and discuss options for next year. Should you have any queries about this process please feel free to contact Student Managers for further advice. Please see link to presentations below. 



 Ben Pearson, Kay Bird, Bill Duiveman 

Yr 8 Student Managers.