Science News

Vermont Secondary College

Congratulations Erina!

Erina M of Year 12 spent one week of her holiday break attending the Youth ANZAAS program. Erina stayed on campus at the University of Melbourne and visited a range of science institutions, such as the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) research facility, the Department of Defence and Monash University. Erina loved her experience, met some amazing students from around Australia and learnt a lot about Science and future careers. Well done, Erina – this was an exciting opportunity and we at VSC are very impressed and proud that you attended this program. Congratulations!


Some of the images presented by WEHI during the program – Erina loved this presentation!

Melbourne Zoo Youth Leadership Program

On the last day of Term 2, Wil L and Cooper L, both in Year 9 attended the presentation assembly for all students involved in the Melbourne Zoo Youth Leadership Program for 2023. It was a wonderful acknowledgement of the amazing activities that the students completed over the course of Term 2.

 The entire presentation was conducted by the students – Will and Cooper spoke in a manner that made me as a VSC teacher very proud! They were confident, funny and engaging as they shared their experiences with a room full of zoo staff, parents, teachers and other students.

The students spent the term working with zoo staff, research scientists and other students from schools around Victoria to research the impact of plastic on our environment. The students hope to see some of their work become part of the Zoo Promotional material in the future. But why not get started yourself at home? Here is a website that describes how to make your own Beeswax wraps at home: . This was one of the suggestions that came through in the data surveys collected by the students over the term as a way to reduce plastic waste in our schools.

Well done Wil and Cooper!

Big Science Competition Results

During Term 2 64 of our students participated in the 2023 Big Science Competition. The certificates arrived during the holidays and can now be collected from outside of the Science Office, Room E11. The results for VSC were excellent – all students gave the examination a go and tried something new and possibly out of their comfort zone – well done!

Highlights of the competition are as follows:

Year 7

High Distinctions were awarded to Arjun C and Risley C and Kristy W received a Distinction.

Year 8

Surya B was awarded a High Distinction and Adeep G, Ziyaan K and Nicholas O scored Distinctions.

Year 10

A High Distinction was awarded to Ella D and Anisha R scored a Distinction.


Well done to everyone who participated!