Learning and Teaching

 CERES Excursion

On Monday, 17 July, our Prep and Year 1/2 students enjoyed a day at CERES in Brunswick, to learn about a variety of concepts and topics, related to history, indigenous perspectives and the environment. 


Stella V

One of the activities I enjoyed most at CERES was painting with Ochre. I enjoyed it because it felt very nice to put ochre on your body. I learnt that ochre is different colours.

it can be white or red or brown.



One of the activities I explored was the plants. I enjoyed it because they taste good and I had a great day. One of the activities I also enjoyed was the ochre. We also did an animal show and it was fun. I learned that we saw aboriginal land. 



My favourite thing was dressing up for Tiddalick the Frog. I was the eel and I saved the day. I learned that it was a real story and it happened before we were alive and even before people were born. 



One of the activities I enjoyed was the story of Tiddalick and I liked it because we all got to dance. I learned that the aboriginal people danced to the story. Another one of the activities was eating leaves. I enjoyed it because you get to taste new things. I learned that plants can be used as food. One of the activities I liked was the ochre painting. It was very fun and I liked it because it was used as a drawing when you wanted to draw. I learnt ochre was used as paint. 


Hoop Time Reflection by Evie W.

On Monday, 17th of July, St Johns Year 5/6 students competed in a Hoop Time Basketball Tournament, playing against other schools in the district. We went and played at Dandenong stadium. The people who were chosen to compete were divided into teams, rookies who were people who have never played competitively and all stars who have played before.😀 

I was in the rookies team with others that had not competed in basketball before. Overall the rookies played four games. For the first game I was pretty nervous but when we played it was so much FUN! Our team scored 14 goals and I scored 2! Everyone played so well and that continued on for the next three games. Everyone got a fair share of the ball and the only game we lost was when it was all tied up and the other team got a goal just as the buzzer went. I was pretty disappointed but it was good competition. I think my favourite game we played was the last one because we absolutely smashed the other team by 32 points to zero! I got about 6 goals and lots of intercepts. Our team worked very well together so we played a great game. Everyone was very exhilarated afterwards so I'm guessing that everyone had as much FUN as I did!😄

Hoop Time Recount🏀 by Isabella L.

The moment the whistle is blown I feel a rush of energy wash through me, I feel as if I can bounce around the court forever.

Two points for my team, four points for my team, 6 points for my team! 

Wow this is great, my team is on a roll!

I sprint down the court ready for anything, I catch the ball and…

I got a goal!!

It has been such a great day, I can't wait for next year's hoop time.