Wellbeing and Positive Education.

Mr Campbell

The second half of term 3 has been absolutely jam packed with wellbeing programs across the college. Students and staff have been amazing at getting behind initiatives designed to improve the mental health and wellbeing of our school community members, these include:


Wear it Purple Day - Celebrated on the 29th August Wear it Purple Day's focus was looking at the behaviour “We THINK before speaking writing and gesturing” with a particular focus on the derogatory/disrespectful use of the word “gay”. 

Wear it Purple Day is about showing LGBTIQ+ young people that they have the right to be proud of who they are. It is about creating safe spaces in schools, universities, workplaces and public spaces to show LGBTIQ+ young people that they are seen and supported. 


R U OK? Day - Celebrated on the 14th September the college's wellbeing team was incredibly supported by our amazing staff and students to create a super positive environemnt for this years R U OK? Day celebrations. The aim of this event is to spread awareness for mental health and let people know it is ok not to be ok and for people to strike up conversations with their friends and family to show them they are cared for and supported. 


Heroes Day - This term our year 9 students attended the Heroes Day at the Frankston Arts Centre. Heroes Day is an event aimed at preparing students for life in the real world by developing their resilience and letting them know they are strong enough to navigate the ups and downs that life can present. 


Dale Sidebottom of Jugar Life - Dale presented his "fun shops" to our year 10's during the last week of term to help celebrate their wellbeing day. Dale's message of looking for the positives in life, having fun and not being afraid of letting those close to you how you feel about them through a PAL message is super powerful and I dearly hope our year 10 students can implement some of the lessons taught into their daily lives. 


On top of the above programs our wellbeing team continued to provide unconditional support to our students across all year levels, whether it be one on one counselling support, small group workshops or delivering programs to cohorts I know our students are in great hands with a team that truly cares about the students in their care. 

Some of the programs the wellbeing delivered are:

Vaping Education

Relationship and Sexual Health education

Sleep education 

Breaky Club

Food hampers

Year 12 stress survival kits

Diversity Club

BFF club (Best Friends Forever, female reproductive health). 


On behalf of the wellbeing team we wish everyone a safe and enjoyable term 3 break, recharge the batteries and spend some time outdoors with family and friends.