Student Voice

Mr Culbert & Ms Sculley

Student/Staff School Improvement Workshops

At the recent Term 3 whole staff professional learning day, a two-hour segment was dedicated to voice and agency at CESC.


The first hour of the session included a presentation from the school captains and Year 12 student executive team regarding quantitative and qualitative data produced from the Term 2 student experience survey. Areas surveyed included:

  • Academic engagement
  • Teacher support
  • Fairness and safety
  • Relatedness of self with school
  • Sense of belonging

In the week prior to the PL day, teachers were asked to indicate which area they would be most interested in for a workshop. Then in the second hour of the session staff were directed to classrooms where CESC student leaders from all year levels led discussion and strategy sessions.


The first outcome was a greater sense of connectedness between staff and the students in attendance. The second outcome were insights and ideas that are being molded into improvement initiatives which can be actioned over the next year.

Students have collated notes collected from the day and will be sending make draft proposals to their teacher collaborators early next term.

Voice and agency in action – Year 7

A group of Year 7 students who love cricket. Aayan from 7B wrote a letter to PCO seeking cricket nets to be considered as a future College project. 


Russell Lee replied to the letter which led to some exciting next steps. Meeting with both Azz and Russell, Aayan (7B) along with mates Devesh (7B) and Mehtab (7B), the boys completed research and put together a presentation with options for the College to consider. After a walk and talk, looking a potential sites and options, quotations are now being sought to better understand the financial commitment of this endeavor. Further work is being completed to establish community links and whether grants could be applied for, all involving these young year 7 leaders.