Year 11/12

Ms Corney, Ms Latchford, Ms Jessop and Ms Greenwood

Term 3 2023 Key Dates

10Thursday 14th SeptemberRUOK Day
Thursday 14th SeptemberYear 11 Formal
Friday 15th SeptemberLast Day of Term

Senior School- Ski Camp

Students and staff had a great time at Mt Buller last week for the 3 day ski camp. Although we would have liked more snow, students all managed to get up on their skis or boards during the first day of lessons. During the trying conditions on Friday, students gritted their teeth and faced snowy conditions, trying to get the most out of the trip. Over the 3 days we saw snow ball fights, snow angels, skiing and boarding crashes and stacks but overall a great group of students, enjoying themselves, laughing, having fun and embracing the snow experience. Big thank you to all the students, they were well behaved and we hope that they had a great time. 


Maths Competition Winners

Well done to the following students who won the School Maths Competition. Top 3 were all from Year 11 :) 

Harjot Singh

Mia Prajeesh

Prashva Patel

Year 11 Formal

On Thursday 14th of September, we held our first Year 11 Formal. Ms. Latchford and the Year 11 Formal Committee were excited to welcome 190 students to Amberlee Receptions in Cranbourne for a night of glitz and glamour. The Year 11 students showed up in their finest looks and tore up the dancefloor all night. There were plenty of happy snaps in the photobooth, and students were able to treat themselves to the candy bar lovingly put together by Mrs. Fulton. We thank all the Year 11 students who came along and made the night such a success and look forward to doing it all again next year!

Year 11 VCE VM Term 4 – Timeline

Week 1Normal classes
Week 2Normal classes
Week 3Normal classes
Week 4Normal classes
Week 5Normal classes – final week for work submission for Unit 2
Week 6

Nov 6th – Student Free Day

Nov 7th - Cup Day

Nov 9th - Challenge Day 

Week 7

Nov 13th - Skill Builder Day 

Nov 14th  - Skill Builder Day

Nov 17th - Feedback Day or Wellbeing Day (TBC)

Week 8Nov 20th – Student Free DayNov 21st - Year 11 Celebration DayNov 23rd – Feedback Day

Week 9

Nov 27th - Dec 1st

STEP UP Begins

Week 10

Dec 4th - Dec 8th

STEP UP Begins