Working Bee

On Sunday 2nd July, 2023 we hosted our school Working Bee.


We had a wonderful turnout (approx. 25 in total!) of parents, grandparents, students, staff, and partners.

We commenced the morning with hot bacon and egg rolls from the barbeque, washed down with a nice cup of tea or coffee before setting ourselves to work on the cleanup of the car park entry and frontage towards the Marion Road end of the school. Our fearless troopers worked ever so hard and made a huge impact over the three hours. Have a look at some of the photos below:

The results look amazing and have made a big difference to the presentation of our school. 

We planted some lovely little westringea plants along the fence line that we are looking to grow and provide some coverage and screening for the area. We also completely weeded the garden beds in our school garden and will be looking for some classes and students to take on replanting and looking after it next term in the lead-up to Spring. We are also currently trying to source some more woodchip mulch to provide ground coverage to mulch and keep the weeds under control in the main areas. 


The Governing Council wishes to thank everyone who was able to lend a hand and looks forward to seeing a few more faces at our next Working Bee which we are thinking will take place toward the end of the year. Keep your eyes peeled and on the lookout. 


Many thanks,

Governing Council