From the Principal Class

Thank you Emma Ford!
On behalf of the Viewbank College community, we would like to extend a heartful thank you to Emma Ford for being the Acting Principal in Sharon Grimes’ absence.
An unenviable task, Emma has consistently carried herself with high levels of professionalism, effective communication skills and an unwavering care of all members of our community.
Emma supports all staff to hold our students to high expectations, which enables all students to achieve their best.
Emma, thank you for taking on and fulfilling this role, and leading the school during a particularly busy time in the school calendar!
We look forward to welcoming Sharon Grimes back from her Long Service Leave at the beginning of Term 3.
Penelope Cleghorn
Anna Crosswhite
Rachael Smith
The year to date at Viewbank College...
The year so far at Viewbank College has provided students with opportunities to learn and grow both in and out of the classroom environment.
We have seen a multitude of events and activities that have given the community a real sense that we are willing and able to connect with all facets of school life.
Sport and successful teams have featured heavily in the calendar as have events and clubs during break times.
Thank you to the staff and students who have been involved in all events and excursions.
Year 7's have settled into the College and participated in the Peer Support Program with Year 10 mentors.
This term they headed off to Campaspe Downs for a Camp experience.
Staff and students alike commented about how much fun was had experiencing all the different activities on offer plus dancing the night away at the disco.
Year 8's have recently had a personal strengths and pathways emphasis in Launch.
Now that they have experienced 3 semesters of Art and Technology subjects, it has come time to make some choices about their elective subjects for 2024.
Year 9's this term (even this week) ventured into the City to participate in the LEAD Melbourne program.
An inquiry project for students to consider “How we make the City more inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable?”.
Students are to be congratulated on how they conducted themselves in the City.
It’s always great to get community feedback about the positive behaviours demonstrated by our students, in uniform, and using public transport safely.
We look forward to being able to share some of the ‘reels’ created by students in response to their research.
Year 10's are currently on Work Experience and have spent much of their Overlay lessons getting up to date with OHS requirements and researching the careers and directions they might like to head in the future.
Year 10 is an important transition year, the next months will see students make decisions about their Senior School pathways.
Year 11's have been living the challenges of VCE and increased work expectations. Course catch ups, Year 11 Overlay scheduled study time and homework club options have assisted in supporting students.
Building good habits now (and this goes for all year levels) will hold them in good stead for the future.
They had the fortune to visit some of our tertiary institutions this week and were able to spend a day exploring and experiencing University life.
Year 12's as a cohort recently sat the GAT (General Achievement Test).
It’s been an incredibly busy term for our most senior students working their way through SACs, SATs and work expectations.
The student leaders have been active in engaging students in break time activities including the ice bucket challenge raising money for MND (see below article).
Year 9-11 exams
All students in Years 9-11 have recently participated in end of semester exams.
This valuable experience was an important chance for students to build their mental stamina and encouraged the need for good study habits.
Exam results and feedback can be found in Compass Learning tasks.
Holiday break - works and events around the school
Over the holiday break there are a number of things happening around the school:
- Senior School centre works will ramp up culminating in the modular building being ‘dropped’ into place during the second week. We are looking forward to seeing this new space open for our VCE students soon! (See article below)
- Code Camp (school holiday program) will operate in the first week
- Roofing and maintenance tasks will continue to completed
- Some VCE teachers will be inviting students in for support in their learning or completion of Folios. These are completely voluntary and communication regarding these sessions will be managed by the classroom teacher
- Production rehearsals during the second week of holidays in preparation for “Legally Blonde” running from July 26th – July 29th
Incidents involving damage and defacing
Unfortunately, during this term we have seen an increase in the number of incidents involving damage and the defacing of our toilet blocks.
It has been disappointing to see graffiti including inappropriate images, defamatory statements, targeting of staff and young people and physical damage to toilet doors and the toilets themselves.
We acknowledge the toilet spaces need upgrading (and this is in the scope of works to be completed this year), however, there is no excuse for the poor and calculated decisions some of our student cohort are making in these areas.
This behaviour impacts the individuals exposed to such profanity but also those charged with having to clean and maintain the space.
We wish to thank those who have reported these actions and hope that with more education, empathy and common sense, we are able to move forward without further incident.
In future, reasons for leaving class during the learning time will be more closely monitored.
Each year we have a number of staff who embark on a range of experiences whilst on Long Service Leave.
We wish the following staff all the best in their travels over the next few months:
- John Handford (Term 3) replaced by Jan Doyle
- Sarah Cummins (Term 3) replaced by Clara O’Bryan and Steph Clapp (Stella HL)
- Sarah Williams (Term 3) replaced by TBC
- Mark Eagling (Semester 2) replaced by James Ferguson & TBC
- Asha Dey (Term 3 & part 4) replaced by Belinda Pontes (returning from leave).
In Term 3 we welcome back from leave:
- Steph Clapp
- Belinda Pontes
- Sharon Grimes
- Andrew Morrison
- Marnie Wadsworth
Please note the Semester 2 timetable will be on Compass in the second week of the holidays.
We still have some students struggling to get into the routine of completing regular homework.
There are opportunities for students to work at school after the school day finishes, including our homework club on Thursdays in the Library.
I have attached a link to our homework policy as a guide to recommended hours of home study.
Where possible, ensure that your student has a quiet area, dedicated to home study. Speak with them about the distraction of mobile phones and other devices.
Many of the routines that enable success at the senior end of schooling are not evident in some of our students.
Speak with a House Leader if you want more information or strategies to support home study.
Work with your student’s teachers if you want to understand what homework is being set.
Viewbank College Big Freeze
On Tuesday 13th June, our student leaders hosted a fundraiser to support The Big Freeze to help raise funds for Motor Neuron Disease research and programs.
The day was an out of uniform day and students were encouraged to wear blue in support of the cause.
Viewbank College Big Freeze took place in the J block courtyard during break 1.
We raised approximately $930 on the day - a big thank you to everyone who supported this cause to raise funds to fight MND.
College Building Fund
The College would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank those families who have already contributed to the Building Fund this year.
How will your donation assist the College?
The College has a Master Plan for building works with the focus on creating more usable spaces for our students. Your generous donation will contribute greatly to this. In the past Building Fund donations have supported various improvements throughout the school such as the installation of heating/cooling, external painting and upgrades to learning spaces.
Another exciting opportunity is the development of our VCE Study Centre, to provide our Year 12 students with a purpose-built space to study, gather and collaborate in their final year at the College.
The end of financial year is fast approaching, if you would like to take the opportunity to make a taxable deduction donation to our Building Fund, please click the Donate Now button below:
All donations big or small are tax-deductible!
2023 College Production & Friends of the Performing & Visual Arts - Raffle Prize Donations
The 2023 College Production will be "Legally Blonde - The Musical" and tickets are now on sale! See the 2023 College Production page further on in this newsletter for more details.
Our Friends of the Performing & Visual Arts (FOPAVA) are looking for donations for their major fundraising raffle which is held during production week (26th July - 29th July, 2023).
Do you OR someone you know have a business or a holiday rental??
Could you donate…
A product?
A service?
General donations of prizes would also be greatly appreciated (eg. Wine, candles, chocolates, gifts etc)
Please forward any donations the Admin Office by Wednesday 19th July.
If you have any questions please contact Karen Howell on 0425 846 626.
VCE Building Progress
Some staff and students travelled to see our new modular building in Geelong on Wednesday. Alex Jackson, Thomas Manolakakis, Brock Micallef and Marcus Schroeder inspected the new building. There is still some work to be done but the transporting of the building will take place over the holidays!
School Holidays
The June/July holidays allow for students and staff to be able to rest, reflect and reset after a huge semester of work.
The Principal Team wish everyone a happy, healthy and relaxed break filled with all the things that help to fill up our cups and restore our positive energies.
We look forward to seeing everyone in a couple of weeks.
Emma Ford, Acting Principal
Rachael Smith, Assistant Principal
Anna Crosswhite, Assistant Principal
Penelope Cleghorn, Assistant Principal