Milgate Primary School would like to acknowledge the traditional owners of the land of the Wurundjeri People and we would like to pay our respects to the elders and educators both past, present and emerging.


Staff, students and the school community understand that we thrive, learn and live on Wurundjeri Country and we stand with all cultures united as one.




Congratulations to Cameron Witt, Year 4 teacher, and his wife Han on the birth of their baby Lucas. We wish Cameron and Han much happiness as they welcome baby Lucas into their family.


Available Tuesday 20th June on Compass

Over the last few weeks, teachers have been writing student reports. Student reports provide parents with clear, comprehensive and consistent information about their child‘s learning progress. Student reports also have an IB PYP section which describes the units of Inquiry for Semester 1. 


Our school is committed to ensuring that everyone has the opportunity to achieve their full potential and the student reports are a key aspect of that commitment.


If you have questions regarding your child’s report, parents/carers are encouraged to contact their teacher to arrange a time to discuss the report.


WEDNESDAY 21ST JUNE | 3:45 - 6:30PM

Students are excited to share their learning with parents for the upcoming Student-Led Conferences.  It is remarkable to hear our students articulate their learning with clarity and purpose, filling them with great pride in their achievements. In their classrooms, students will talk with their parents about their learning and share their achievements from the first semester, using their portfolio as part of the discussion. Teachers will prepare the students for the discussions prior to the student-led conferences. They will work on their communication and presentation skills in preparation for the meeting. 


Specialist teachers will also be in their rooms and available on the night so students can visit these classrooms with their parents as well. 


Bookings are now available online and parents can book a time for their student-led conference through Compass by navigating to:

  • School Favourites (Star in Menu at top)
  • Student-Led Conferences 2023

This link will take you through to School Interviews website to select your time slot.

School Interviews


There are a number of students who are wearing smartwatches to school or bringing mobile phones to school.

Milgate Primary School understands that students may bring a smartwatch or personal mobile phone to school, particularly if they are travelling independently to and from school.

At Milgate Primary School:

  • Students who choose to wear smartwatches / bring mobile phones to school must have them switched off during school hours and mobile phones stored in a secure place.
  • When emergencies occur, parents or carers should reach their child by calling the school’s office.
  • If students are feeling upset or unwell, the school will contact the parents during the day.

Smart watches and Mobile phones owned by students at Milgate Primary School are considered valuable items and are brought to school at the owner’s (student’s or parent/carers) risk.  Students are encouraged not to bring a smart watch or mobile phone to school unless there is a compelling reason to do so. 


At Milgate Primary School inappropriate use of smart watches / mobile phones is any use during school hours, unless an exception has been granted, and particularly use of a smart watch / mobile phone:

  • in any way that disrupts the learning of others
  • to send inappropriate, harassing or threatening messages or phone calls
  • to engage in inappropriate social media use including cyber bullying
  • to capture video or images of people, including students, teachers and members of the school community without their permission
  • to capture video or images in the school toilets, changing rooms, swimming pools and gyms

For further information, please see the Milgate PS ‘Mobile Phone Policy’.


You are invited to attend three FREE interconnected online seminars to provide you with a toolkit of practical strategies that will help you guide your child’s behaviour, manage everyday worries, and build healthy peer relationships. Attending all three seminars will provide you with the strategies you need to best support your child’s development and help them thrive now and into adolescence.

Seminar topics: 

·       Power of Positive Parenting (Triple P Seminar) 

·       Helping Your Child to Manage Anxiety (Fear-Less Triple P Seminar) 

·       Keeping your Child Safe from Bullying (Resilience Triple P Seminar) 


These seminars form part of the Triple P – Positive Parenting Program. 

For more information, visit the project website:


Congratulations to 3CF for being this week’s trash free Tuesday winner and having 2 pieces of trash! They will receive ’Ernie the Earth’ our environmental mascot. Overall as a school we got 226 pieces of trash. Keep working hard to try and bring less trash to school! On June 8th it was World Ocean Day. World Ocean Day raises awareness about the value of our oceans and the critical need for their protection. More than 140 countries including Australia are currently contributing to this event. 

-Iris & Jennifer, the environmental school captains.


The last day of Term 2 is Friday 23rd June and the school day finishes at 2.30pm. Please make sure you can collect your children at 2.30pm or contact TeamKids for After School Care bookings.



Contact Number: 1300 035 000 




Today, the Year 3 to 6 Environmental Leaders went to Currawong Bush Park to learn about the environment. When we arrived we spotted 2 beautiful wild kangaroos hopping through their natural habitat. To start the day we were able to have a close up encounter with several animals, such as Bluie the blue-tongue lizard, Boris the echidna, Bamby the baby western-kangaroo and Morpheus the Tawny-frogmouth. Afterwards, we took a hike to search for wildlife. They taught us about how to identify the diets of animals based on their waste, as well as the different types of fungi within the bush park. Next, we learnt about the new FOGO (Food Organics Garden Organics) composting program. This is going to begin in July throughout Manningham. We are excited to start this program in and out of school in July. He also taught us about the different types of pollution and how we can help get rid of it. The last activity was learning about how to be a leader. We all learnt about the past of how our community came to be. We played 2 games about extinction and teamwork. Overall we had a great time at Currawong Bush Park!