Student Wide Positive Behaviours
Student Wide Positive Behaviours
This weeks school value was:
Mrs Matthew's students in 4A created posters demonstrating this skill:
Next week's value is:
The students from 3B have created a poster showing this skill:
What is the purpose of the Student Support Space?
The purpose of this designated space is to provide the student with one on one support to reflect on their behaviour and make positive choices moving forward.
Where is the Student Support Space (SSS)?
It is located in building B near the library.
Who facilitates the Student Support Space?
Mrs Sue Hooper, one of our Education Support Staff on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday, and Ms Taylah Rees on Wednesdays.
What happens in the Student Support Space?
When students attend the Student Support Space the facilitator acts to support the conversation around the reason why the student is attending the Student Support Space. Students work with support from the facilitator to complete a reflection form, writing or drawing about what they would do differently and/or have a restorative conversation.
Why does a student attend the Student Support Space?
Students attend this space to reflect, unpack behaviours, explore other options and to learn other social/emotional strategies that will support them to maintain friendships, dignity and empower them to problem solve potential friendship issues that may arise.