Student Awards

Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:


Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.


Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.


PAJonny StarcicFor trying his best and not giving up in reading and writing Evie Lancashire 
PBHarry HrovatinFor believing in himself and growing into a confident, respectful learner Jack Wardan
PCLincoln OtteraaFor consistently striving to achieve his best in all learning tasks Charlie Sulzberger
1AMackenzie FryPersisting with her writing and striving to achieve her writing goal Tyler Cosham
1BElsie ThomsonFor having a happy and enthusiastic attitude towards all aspects of her work  Elsie is always a kind and responsible member of 1B William Ogle
1CHunter EllissFor always striving for excellence in all learning tasks Lacey Roughley
1DMatilda WelshFor always being a learner and challenging herself to develop her writing Patrick Van Emmerik
2AFlynn BennettFor displaying confidence to share his ideas and demonstrating  a positive attitude towards learning  Maximus Lane
2BNate TestaFor his improved focus and positive attitude towards learning tasks Zeke Otteraa
2CAiden HusinFor being a positive and responsible student and trying hard with his learning Sophie Irvine
3AZion LoffleyAlways helping her peers and being a fantastic role modelToby Bussinger
3BOlivia AlthamFor a big improvement in her ability to stay focused and attentive in class  Hollie Olver
3CAaron Gibson For being considerate by looking after his peers and trying hard on his learning  Callum Smith
4ARuby LambertFor always willing to help others and is most cooperative and helpful student William Van Emmerik
4BOscar MoraFor being a respectful and helpful classmateAmelia Gorman
4CReggie MitchellFor working hard and putting in a lot of effort in his Inquiry poster Osvaldo Viola-Vasquez
5AJemma GriffinFor working hard towards her writing goal and seeking help when needed  Jordyn Myers
5BIsabelle WellerFor displaying confidence in her writing and her willingness to always improve Aishleen Thakur
5CSienna Duggan-KenadjianFor working hard towards her reading goal and producing some insightful group conversations about what she has read Taliyah Purcell
6AAlexa AlthamFor working hard on her explanation text about Watermelons  Caleb Keech
6BBowie GibcusFor producing a high quality explanation text about Lumber  Sophie Merrigan
6CLilli CecchiniFor fulfilling her Lit Circle roles to a high standard Benjamin Wilgose