Grade 1/2 News

Term 3, Week 4

Grade 1 and 2 Reminders:

  • Over the next couple of weeks there will be a number of events requiring permission and/or payment released on Compass - please keep an eye out for these!
  • Please remember to return your child's 'My Origins' form to support their learning as part of our topic 'Celebrating Differences'.
  • We are also searching for anyone who might be happy to visit our classrooms to discuss their family's culture - if you would like to do this please contact your child's teacher.

What we have been up to...

Over the last couple of weeks we have been learning about different types of measurement, such as measuring the length and capacity of different items and objects. Students have explored the idea of using informal units (such as blocks, hands and feet) and have enjoyed estimating, measuring and then comparing their answers.

During our focus on capacity we have practised using language such as full, half full and empty.

Upcoming Fortnight:

Term 3  - Week 5 and 6


Literacy:  Our focus in Reading over the next fortnight will be using the strategy 'Use the main idea and supporting details' to develop our comprehension skills. Sound Waves lessons will look at the sounds 'ng' as in ring and 'Ii' as in ice-cream. During Writing we will shift our focus to learning about the structure of information reports and students will continue to have the opportunity to refine their recount writing skills.


Mathematics: During week 5 we will continue looking at strategies that are useful for solving subtraction problems and the concepts of transformation (slide, flip and turn) and location. In week 6 we will move onto looking at money including ordering coins according to their value and counting small collections. 


Topic: Our Topic lessons have included exploring and matching a definition to different glossary words such as celebration, different, Australia and culture. Students have also looked at a globe of the World and discussed where Australia is in relation to other countries that we will be learning more about.