Engagement & Wellbeing

Respectful Relationships 

This term in the Prep classrooms, we have been learning about 'Stress Management'. 

Throughout this Respectful Relationships topic, students have discussed what it looks like, feels like and sounds like to be stressed. We also all shared what helps us become calm if we are ever feeling stressed at home or at school. Our students thought of lots of great positive coping/calming strategies and each class made their own book about it. 

Here are some students drawings of how they 'positive cope'...

SRC Update

School Wide Positive Behaviour Support (SWPBS)

The SWPBS team and all staff and students are celebrating the awesome work everyone has done this year improving behaviours at our school. In our last edition of the newsletter, we shared some graphs displaying data and behaviours that each class is working hard on improving. 

This semester, behaviour in our classrooms will be a focus across the school with regular discussions around how best we can show our School Values while we work and play. We would encourage all families in our school community to support us with helping their children by taking a moment to have a look at our SWPBS display board which is located outside the Art room, near the Hub play area.

SWPBS Focus Board
Located near the Art room/Office
SWPBS Focus Board
Located near the Art room/Office

The pictures above show the location of our focus board and we encourage all families to continue to familiarise themselves with our focus each term to support the continued improvement in behaviours inside our classrooms and outside in the school yard. Any follow up conversations at home are greatly appreciated. This board also shows our new 'Stop Routine' which is being taught in all classrooms to support students with their problem solving.

Book Week

Book Week is fast approaching!  This year, Book Week will be celebrated from 20th - 26th of August with the theme "Dreaming with eyes open...." To acknowledge this, we will be holding a day of celebration on Friday 26th August.  As always, children are encouraged to come dressed as their favourite book character. Children will have the opportunity to join in some Book Week related activities in their classrooms and share their costume with their class, friends and family at our dress up parade at 9am. 


The Blurbs will be performing at the end of the day to wrap up our Book Week celebrations. 

House Day

On the Thursday of the last week of term, we held a House Day. Students joined together to participate in activities in their House groups. They earned points for their House by completing activities and being awesome team mates.

After a House rally in the afternoon, and an amazing House chant, Tingay was declared the winner and this years' recipient of the Spring Gully Primary School Big Brains Cup!