Deputy Principal
Mr Daniel Lapolla
Deputy Principal
Mr Daniel Lapolla
It was great to see so many young men joining the conversation with their teachers and parents. We are in partnership with one another and the dialogue must engage all participants. Creating a culture of accountability comes with being actively involved., setting goals and objectives, and targeting areas of growth and improvement. Celebrating and commending success should also be evident. Positive reinforcement on what has worked well should not go unrecognised. We tend to focus on the gap or element which needs attention, acknowledging the positives can build confidence and resilience in progressing further.
With the start of a new term and semester brings with it a new opportunity to reset and reboot. To reflect on the things that have gone well and why this has been the case. Habits and routines that have been successful should be of particular focus, and it is also the time to set new targets to push and challenge ourselves.
A massive thank you to our wonderful volunteers of the Parents and Friends Association for not only supporting our teachers through a busy day of PST conferences, but for all of the different fundraising opportunities and events which go towards supporting our community. On behalf of the staff I would like to pass on our gratitude and appreciation of your time and effort.
As our Year 10 engage in work experience and set out plans for course selection in Year 11, it is timely to focus on what your pathway might encompass. For many young men the answer is “I’m unsure” and that is fine. It is important however, to keep an open mind and try new things. It is important to leave as many doors as possible open for when you come to make those crucial decisions. For those Year 10s heading off to work experience, I encourage you to ask questions and get a real and honest experience of what your chosen industry is like. It is okay to return to school with a different option of your area prior to heading out. It is a process of discerning what your future pathway could look like. A reminder to remaining Years 10s to seek assistance regarding work experience from Ms Gangell or Mr Dalton
Whilst our focus of late has been subject selection in Year 11, our elective choices for Year 9 and 10 have recommenced with the option to change elective choices closing at the end of this week. These elective choices will inevitably shape your interest within your pathways moving forward. Boys should select subjects in which they know could lead to a potential area of interest. Selecting subjects based on friendship groups does not support your own pathway progression. Mrs Anders is busily finalising any changes so please ensure you are comfortable with your choices.
Lastly, I would commend the gentlemen on the manner in which they have return to the start of Term 3. The way they are wearing their uniform has been of particular notice for which they should be commended. Being prepared and organised for classes, asking for assistance when needed, trying your best, getting involved in cocurricular, looking out for your mates and living out our Virgilian values should always be on display within our community. I wish all member of our community a positive and productive term ahead.