Curriculum In Focus

Year 4 STEM - Stop Motion Online Film Festival
The Year 4 classes have been working hard for many weeks learning about the art of stop motion animation and creating their own films. The students had to storyboard their production first, create characters and film their animation using the Stop Motion Studio app on iPad.
This project will culminate in a virtual film festival tomorrow (Thursday 28th July at 6.00pm)
All families will receive a private link to the presentation. This link will be sent as an announcement on Seesaw at 6.00pm tomorrow (Thursday 28th July)
Families will be able to watch the films from 6.00pm or at any other time that suits.
Hope you can make it!
Kelas Bahasa Indonesia
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari Indonesia, nomor nomor dan warna warna dalam kelas Foundation.
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari cerita anak anak dalam kelas Satu dan Dua.
Ketentuan ini, kami menpelajari makanan di Indonesia dalam kelas Tiga, Empat dan Lima.
~In Foundation this term we are learning about Indonesia, numbers and colours. ~
~ In Years 1 and 2 this term we are learning about Indonesian Children’s Stories. ~
~ In Years 3 to 5 this term we are learning about eating in Indonesia. ~
Kelas Foundation
During week 2 and 3 we focus on basic introductions and feelings. Listed below are some of the sentences that we are introducing and vocabulary specific to this topic.
Nama saya __________. My name is ____________.
Saya senang – I am happy
Saya senang sekali – I am excited
Saya cape – I am tired
Saya sakit – I am sick
Saya sedih – I am sad
Kelas Satu dan Dua
During week 3 we focus on introducing a traditional Indonesian folk story called Kancil dan Buaya (Java Mouse-deer and Crocodile) and re-enact this story using shadow puppets.
Kancil – Java Mouse Deer
Buaya – Crocodile
Kelas Tiga, Empat dan Lima
During week 3 we focus on traditional Indonesian foods and how they differ from our own cuisine.
Some of the most popular dishes are:
- Nasi putih
- Nasi goreng
- Sate ayam / babi
- Tumis sayuran
- Ayam goreng
- Bakmi goreng
- Rendang
- Gado gado
Have you ever tried any of them?
Terima Kasih,
Bu Kate dan Bu Chelsea