Parent Information

FIRE SAFETY - Extensive construction work continues through the grounds of OGPS. This work is to ensure that we are compliant with fire safety measures.
Two water tanks and a pumping station will be delivered to our school on the 1st August. These will be positioned at the edge of the oval.
TREES – As a result of the severe weather/storms last year, several of our trees have developed some signs of stress. OGPS is currently undertaking a tree assessment which may result in some trees having to be treated accordingly.
ISF PLAYGROUND – Remediation work has been completed and now we await the installation of the play equipment. Yippee! It is anticipated that this will commence before the end of term.
Rapid Antigen Tests:
Ocean Grove Primary School have a supply of Rapid Antigen Tests for students.
Please click this link to access the Order Form
Child Safe Standards
Have you seen the New Child Safe Standards Information?
Please click here to access this information
Sibling Enrolments - Foundation (Prep)
If you have a child who will be starting with us in 2023 and they already have a sibling with us at Ocean Grove Primary School in 2022, it would be helpful if you could fill out an enrolment form (please see the link below) and return to the office. This will assist with planning for 2023.
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