Madame Emily & Monsieur Paul
Madame Emily & Monsieur Paul
Bastille Day Highlights
Quelle journée fantastique! What a fabulous day PMPS had on 21st July, when we (slightly belatedly) celebrated Bastille Day. After 2 years of celebrating from home, it was great to see students and staff getting into the Bastille Day spirit at school, dressing up and enjoying all the activities. Altogether, costume gold coin donations raised $345.70, which has been donated to support Les Médécins Sans Frontières.
It seems that the food and cooking activities were a big hit this year, with making les crêpes, les tartes au citron et les croque monsieur a highlight for many students. An additional thank you to the PFA for their sale of croissants at lunchtime.
Lots of prizes were given out for best costumes in each class. Merci beaucoup to Annabelle and Lucy, our Language Captains, for selecting the winners. With so many creative costumes to choose from, it was by no means an easy task!
Supporting French Learning from Home
Thank you to those of you who attended Parent Teacher interviews with Paul and myself. It is always a pleasure to check in with parents and share the progress being made in French across the school.
A common question that came up was how to best support your child with learning French from home. For younger students, we recommend asking your child to share the vocabulary they have been learning in class with you. You may also wish to give your child opportunities to practise this vocabulary, such as describing the colour of cars they see whilst out and about or reading the house numbers in your street in French and English.
For students in Years 3 to 6, we strongly encourage using LanguageNut at home to support their learning. LanguageNut offers students the opportunity to enhance their language skills in speaking, listening, reading and writing. Each student has a unique username and password. Feel free to contact us if a reminder of this information is needed.
We have included an overview of the French topics covered this term for those of you who wish to provide extra support from home. Underneath, we have included links to songs and wordbanks from these topics which you can enjoy learning together.
Thank you for your continued support of our French program. It's always wonderful to hear how much your children are enjoying their French lessons and how eager they are to share their new language skills with you at home!