Nurse Ruth
Nurse Ruth
Important Reminder
Over the last fortnight gastro-enteritis has been prevalent in some cohort's.
We encourage thorough hand washing after using the toilet, before eating, and at other times as necessary. Our children should all be used to regular and routing handwashing after having lived through the current pandemic.
If your child/ren has a bout of vomiting or diarrhoea, they need to be kept at home for a minimum of 24 hours after the last vomit, and 48 hours after the last bout of diarrhoea.
As we also have Covid occurring in the same classes, we strongly encourage regular testing of your child/ren if they complain of/or show, any signs or symptoms?
General reminder that if your children are displaying any symptoms of cold or flu, please keep them home until all symptoms have cleared.
We thank you all for your cooperation.