Student Awards
Each fortnight, certificates are handed out to two students in each class. The awards are:
Certificate of Academic Excellence Award - This award is in recognition of student’s academic capabilities and achievements in English, Mathematics or Inquiry.
Citizen Award – This is in recognition of students demonstrating our school values of Respect,Responsibility, Being Safe and Being a learner.
PA | Caitlin Pattison | For always remaining focused and persisting with her work | Jasper Hsu |
PB | Harvey Isherwood | For always being focused and completing his work at an excellent standard | Marcus Watton |
PC | Elodie Moreland | For trying her best in all Writing tasks | Milla Arnup |
1A | Winston Eagles | Always improving on his work and persisting to complete everything to the best of his ability | Emme Betts |
1B | Nate Booth | For always demonstrating the school values and working hard during Reading lessons. | Lara McGrath |
1C | Angus Graham | Consistently being a role model and completing his work to a high standard. | Max Elliott |
1D | Rocky Mead | For trying his hardest and persisting throughout Reading and Maths learning tasks. | Eszter Imri |
2A | Zara Martin-Khan | For consistently displaying the school value of ‘Being a Learner’ in all areas of the curriculum | Willow Murphy |
2B | Hudson Isherwood | For persisting when learning how to accurately measure the area of objects. | Taj Singh |
2C | Milla Bennett | For her ability to measure area and for helping others with their maths work | Trinity James |
3A | Savannah Tan | Working really well in class, and being a great role model | Jack Wilgose |
3B | Xavier Reino | For being a valued member of our class, with an enthusiastic approach to learning | Jarahyn Patten |
3C | Zoie Warren | For consistently trying her best in all learning areas. | Max Ladhar |
4A | Lucas Humphries | For displaying courage, trust and persistence when attending the swimming program. | Chloe George |
4B | Oscar Pearson | For settling back into Term 3 smoothly and completing work enthusiastically | Tyler Jackman |
4C | Sienna Alteri | For working really hard on her creative writing. | Tayla Jorgensen |
5A | Riley Scott | For showing enthusiasm about his learning during his 3 Way Conference. | Mitchell McCready |
5B | Declan Pitts | For actively participating in classroom discussions and showing great improvement in his workbook organisation. | Mia McBride |
5C | Damon Truscott | For making outstanding gains in his mathematical thinking! | Aaliyah Ahu Scott |
6A | Seth Abela | For his contributions to our discussions about our class novel in Reading | Keira James |
6B | Morgan Thomas | For displaying readiness to learn and striving to create quality work pieces in every subject area | Charlotte Graf |
6C | Sean Palser | For quickly picking up missed work after being sick and high level contributions. | Alexis Yacoub |