What’s Happening

in RE Classrooms

Year 8 Religious Education 

In line with our Kildare 2022 Annual Improvement Plan, students are experiencing a reinvigorated approach to prayer and scripture with the opportunity for a more full, active participation in worship. 


Students in Year 8 are currently completing the topic “Ways People Pray”. Commencing with scripture, students learn that Jesus was first taught to pray by his parents. He prayed in the words and rhythms of his people, in the synagogue at Nazareth and the Temple at Jerusalem. His prayer, inspired by the Holy Spirit, often drew him apart to pray in solitude, seeking to nurture virtues such as openness, compassion, listening, and perseverance. In short, Jesus' example teaches us to pray focused on a conversion of heart.


Catholic tradition gives us a great wealth and variety of prayers and devotions. The Church is rich in resources and methods of prayer inspired by scripture and the arts which nurture the relationship between ourselves, God and neighbour.  Drawing on this inspiration, students have chosen key phrases from scripture to creatively represent deeply personal moments as Jesus’ reflected on his mission. 

Year 8 have also explored the College grounds, learning the stories of the special sacred spaces we are fortunate to call our own. From the grotto in the Mt Erin Boarding school grounds that recreates the Marian apparition of St Bernadette of Lourdes, to the modern representation of St Brigid’s cross in the central courtyard, students have considered the connection between prayer and place and their own personal experiences of prayer.


Stephanie Garrod | Religious Education Coordinator