Feast of the Assumption of Mary
Feast of the Assumption of Mary
We listen (6)
This year’s Social Justice Statement, Respect: Confronting Violence and Abuse, invites us to engage with a complex and confronting social reality. It explores the roots of domestic and family violence and abuse, honours the voices of victims, offers a social and theological exploration of the reality of violence, especially against women and children, and invites us to develop relationships in all parts of our lives ‘marked by equality and reciprocity rather than domination and violence, respect and freedom rather than coercion and control.’
We welcome this urgent call from our Church to deepen our faith through full and frank discussion and dialogue, advocacy and action.
If the content of the Statement raises issues or concerns for you, please refer to the Getting Help page in the Statement for a list of support channels, or speak to a trusted friend, your GP, your parish priest or parish pastoral worker.
Christine Savage | Leader of Faith, Formation and Mission