Speaking 4 The Planet

Performance Poetry: Winner Chloe Barnes, 7 Romero

Mother Earth

Your earth is my body.

My body is your earth.

The air that I breathe through my lungs makes me feel happy.

I feel alive.

My eyes are so sunny and bright.

My heart is so big! I love everything!

But that was long ago….

My heart, it’s melting.

My eyes are flooding with tears.

My lungs are being ripped apart.

I’m dying.

My life needs to be saved fast.


I die.

Everything will be well,



Thank you:

  • To Jenny Hill, a volunteer at Erin Earth, for her support of the Kildare Erin Earth Volunteers and her awareness raising of the Speaking 4 The Planet Competition.
  • To Mr Mack who directed, videoed and edited Chloe’s Performance Poetry.
  • To Erin Earth, for allowing us to use their grounds to shoot the video


Christine Savage | Leader of Faith, Formation and Mission