Mrs Susan Carrick


The all too constant refrain of students is that they don’t know how to study and the reality for most is that they do know, but that they haven’t yet felt the need or the imperative to actually do something about it!


People often think that there is a magic bullet out there that you can learn or access that will suddenly make the pathway to success clear and easy, and that’s partly true: The magic bullets are organisation and planning, and these are skills that any student can develop because they can be activated quite easily. The key to these skills is finding time across the week to get things done (prepare, review, complete, practise…).


Conversations with Year 10 students and families in the recent Year 11, 2023 subject selection meetings, revealed that many students thought that engaging in class equalled adequate learning space and that this was enough, and that they only worked at home when there was something pressing. It was a revelation to students that they needed to find regular time to get things done and build this as a habit. It was also a revelation for students to consider that they probably learn most at home when they review, revise, reflect and rework their recent learning.


All teachers give students ideas about how to study and how to manage the subject content. They explain and work through concepts and make space for students to practise and ask questions. The consolidation needs to be done at home and this is part of Independent Learning @ Home - the part where students determine how best to use their time to balance their commitments and control their learning.


For those families keen to support their children with a more immediate and personalised deep dive into learning skills, Dr Jane Genovese is offering a 10-week online learning skills course for students to hone their understandings and skills. It might be a great opportunity for parents and children to get into the ‘Learning Pit’ together and share some "Ah Ha!" moments.


You can find information about the Creating Momentum program below.


[The discount code for families at Sacred Heart College is SHC-25-OFF and the course starts next week.]


Jane has worked with our staff and students this year to hone our capacity to work within the HOW of learning and this program may be a useful support for students leading up to exams or looking ahead to greater challenges in a new year level in 2023.









Mrs Susan Carrick

Deputy Principal - Teaching and Learning