The Year 12 Stewardship Captain portfolio has been very busy in recent weeks. Sacred Heart Day saw the EcoHearts Environment Group run its inaugural Containers for Change stall to collect soft drink cans that would be properly recycled through the City of Stirling. For every can donated, the student or teacher received a raffle ticket, with the prize being a $30 Event Cinemas voucher. Congratulations to Mrs Samantha Thompson and Oliver Budas (Year 8 Normandy) who were the lucky recipients. 


More recently, as Year 12 Stewardship Captains, we have been preparing for Sacred Heart College’s inaugural Thrift Market with the great support of the Year 12 Social Justice Captains, Claudia Dineen and Amalie Moe. Please see our flyer below.

We urge all Sacred Heart College parents and students to remind your whole family to donate any clothes that they no longer wear to give them a second life! 


Any donations can be taken to TECH10 (Mrs Roddis’ room) or given to House Vice-Captains during PCG. Clothes will be sold starting at $2. The proceeds will go towards Young Vinnies, with leftover clothing given to RUAH House Women’s Shelter and Tom Fisher House (a shelter for men). 


Another bonus of the Thrift Market is that it allows for the collection of formal clothes to aid and support Stepping Stones, a Sacred Heart student led not-for-profit initiative that works to clothe and support the jobless in our local community. This will allow them to have the best chance at job interviews and to be self-empowered! If you’re wondering how you can help, any formal attire (including but not limited to suits, dresses, shoes, and jewellery) will be greatly appreciated as donations. 


Thank you in advance for your support.


Yours in humanity and the environment.









Alice Main and Kieran Lobo

Stewardship Captains