Mr Leo Di Gregorio


Today, I announced the 2023 Head Boy and Head Girl to the Year 11 students and staff.  Congratulations to Mitchell Trimboli (Thu Duc) and Siobhan Quinn (Trinity) who have been appointed to these important leadership positions in the College for next year. The process in the appointment of Head Boy and Head Girl is extremely challenging, particularly for the final four boys and girls who were interviewed by a panel consisting of Mrs Sandra Manning, Mrs Susan Carrick (for the girls) and Mr Lucio Cicchini (for the boys) and myself. All the students who were interviewed were extremely impressive and represented themselves exceptionally well. Year 11 students have now been invited to apply for the 2023 Captains and this process will conclude later in the term. When finalised, the Leadership team led by Head Boy and Head Girl will be presented at a Whole School Assembly near the conclusion of Term 3. My very best wishes to all Year 11 students applying for a leadership role in 2023. 


The Strategic Plan data collection process for staff, students and parents has now concluded. I was delighted with the large number of responses from these groups. The responses are most valuable and will be considered in the Plan’s development. The data will now be collated, and major themes will be extracted to commence the process of constructing the Strategic Plan. The Plan is scheduled to be completed before the end of the year. I thank everyone that has contributed to the data and I look forward to the next stage of this process. 


Kangaroo sausage cook up.
Aboriginal inspired arts and crafts.
Kangaroo sausage cook up.
Aboriginal inspired arts and crafts.

We proudly celebrated Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture this week with a variety of events at the College. The art activity and kangaroo sausage sizzle proved to be very popular amongst the students. A highlight of the week was a visit by students from Koondoola Primary School on Wednesday. Our young guests enjoyed lunch and our Young Vinnies students joined them in arts and crafts activities and games.  My sincere thanks to our Aboriginal Liaison Officer, Miss Sasha Wells, Administration Assistant - Social Justice, Mrs Rossana Hywood, and all of our students and staff who assisted in making NAIDOC Week educational and memorable. 


It was really pleasing that many parents took the opportunity last night to hear Mr Paul Litherland’s presentation on cybersafety and issues surrounding social media with school aged children. As always, Paul presented the concerns with the different apps now readily available and offered insightful tips on how to negotiate this space. Paul stressed the key is open transparent conversations with our children regarding this matter.  The valuable and supportive information delivered during this presentation was gratefully received by all attendees. We are currently working with Paul to see if he can deliver a similar presentation to our students later in the term.


You may recall that earlier this year we announced that, as a fitting tribute to former Deputy Principal - Dean of College, Mr Trevor Lynch, the Pastoral Care Centre will be named ‘The Trevor Lynch Pastoral Care Centre’ in his honour. Trevor generously gave his time and energy for nearly 34 years to the College serving in various pastoral leadership roles. Today, the College unveiled the signage to the Pastoral Care Centre honouring Mr Trevor Lynch and it is pleasing to see it is already taking on the nickname of ‘The TLC Centre’! 


As Trevor’s formal farewell had to be postponed earlier in the year, current and past staff will take this opportunity to thank and farewell him this afternoon with a celebration in The Hywood Room. 


Once again, congratulations Trevor and thank you for being such a faithful servant to the College.


God Bless.








Mr Leo Di Gregorio
