Wanganui Park Career News
Events coming up
Wed. 20th Feb. - Year 12 VCE Study Day (all day) @ Wanganui
Fri. 8th March – CI Card training, @ Wanganui, 9am -3:20pm. $90 – (see details attached)
Mon. 18th – 22nd March – Year 10 Work Experience Week (incl. GV Health placements)
Tues. 19th March – METRO Tunnel Careers experience (see details attached)
Wanganui Careers website
We have a great Careers portal designed for both students and parents. I’d really encourage you to bookmark the page on your family or personal computer, we will be doing the same with all the students.
Here you will find
- calendar of career events
- parent menu of useful links
- secure student login where they can explore career interests, templates to write resume’s & cover letters, update their career action plan and much more. Everything they do in this area is saved for them so they can access and modify it later
- links to getting tax file numbers, lodging your first tax return, job vacancies, course searching, defence forces, police careers, youth allowance, gap year and volunteering opportunities etc. etc.
Work Placements
The Department of Education and Training conducts two different kinds of work placement experiences. Work Experience and Structured Workplace Learning (SWL). Students completing a VET or a VCAL course can do SWL. All others complete Work Experience (e.g. Yr 10 students and VCE students not doing a VET). The biggest difference between these is that students doing SWL are doing formal training related to their work placement and as such this allows the student to work with a higher level of skill expectation. These kind of experiences have very strict guidelines that allow them to be covered by multi-million dollar insurance contracts. As such it’s important that students and parents understand that no work experiences can be made without properly signed approval of the Principal on a workplace arrangement form. For further information contact Graeme Crosbie the College Careers Adviser.
Wanganui Careers Facebook page
Find ‘Wanganui Park Secondary College Careers’ and like the page. Then you will receive updates about events, vacancies and information relevant to you and your family that are related to careers and the world of work
Construction Induction card
In any of the Construction related fields (building, carpentry, electrical, plumbing, bricklaying, painting, concreting etc.) all people on site, including students on work experience, have to possess a CI Card (Construction Induction OH & S cert.).
The CI Card will cost $90 to complete and will be conducted on Friday 8th March. If your child wishes to complete this they must collect the paperwork from Mr Crosbie in the SLC and return it to him after having made their payment to the main office.
Work Placement @ GV Health
Each year GV Health (Shepparton’s largest employer) provides access to our students for work placement. Unfortunately they are limited with the number of students/places they can manage and the demand from all of the schools (as well as TAFE and University).
At this stage we don’t know what dates we will be allocated. We do know however that there will be placements in Nursing (incl. possibly medical, surgical, midwifery, oncology, rehab ….), Admin/Clerical (accounts, data entry, IT, OHS…..), Allied Health, Medical services (medical imaging, pharmacy, dentistry), Support services (building & maintenance, catering, gardens, engineering). The number of places available to our school is limited and so is highly competitive. Last year we had more than 26 applicants for 12 places.
Students wishing to apply need to get an application form from Mr. Crosbie. These will need to be completed and returned to him within the next week.
Tax File Number
Everyone needs a TFN (Tax File Number) particularly when you start work. If you don’t have a TFN then half your wages could be taken in tax! You don’t want that to happen!
Unfortunately you can no longer apply through these through the school (this changed last year), you apply for your TFN online & then verify your application by visiting Australia Post.
To find out more go to the school’s new career website ( and click on the ‘Important Information’ link OR follow this link
Student email addresses
Much of the communication between teachers, the school and students relies on email access
Each student is allocated a school email account that is
We are encouraging the students to enter their school email account settings into the phone/computer so they can readily access these. If your child needs help with this get them to see Wanganui’s IT support team or access instructions from the college facebook page.
Year 9 & 10 Career exploration opportunity – Metro Tunnel Project careers
The Careers Education Association of Victoria, CEAV, has provided an opportunity for the Alliance schools to participate in an exciting careers event exploring the Metro Tunnel Project. Wanganui Park SC will have 3 spots available to Year 9 or 10 students. It is a full day excursion, with no cost, taking place on Tuesday 19th March. Clearly spaces are limited and will be filled on a first come first served basis. Applications are to be collected from, and returned to, Mr Crosbie in the SLC.
Students and teachers will:
- Take a walking tour to view Town Hall Station construction site where they will learn about the tunnel alignment, tunnel boring and the challenges of managing a large-scale infrastructure project in the heart of Melbourne’s CBD.
- Meet graduates working on the project in an informal setting where students can ask questions about pathways into industry, what the graduates enjoy about their job and what their day on the project involves.
- Explore the project's visitor centre, Metro Tunnel HQ, where students will have the opportunity to engage with interactive displays and use virtual reality to explore the world of tunnel boring.
- Spend time creating a profile of their own skills and interests and explore potential roles that might suit them on a large-scale project like the Metro Tunnel.
Graeme Crosbie