Year 7 

Year 7

We have now enrolled 250 Year 7 students and are off to a busy start to Term 1.

On behalf of the staff at Wanganui Park I would like to welcome you all and wish you a positive and rewarding time as members of our school community.

All of our students have their planner in which to record important events along with any homework or due dates for assignments and projects. I encourage you to make it a habit to check the planner, as well as our fortnightly Newsletter.


Monday 11th February : Family BBQ commencing at 6 pm in the front courtyard. This will also be the time in which you can sign up for music.

Monday 18th  February : Wanganui Park Swimming Carnival

Tuesday 19th February : XUNO Information Evening: 7 pm in the main staffroom.  XUNO is our communication platform, so come along and learn how to check attendance, contact staff, give permission for excursions etc.