Student Challenges

Each week we will have two student challenges. One will link directly to our school values, while the other one will be a bit of fun to break the boredom. Submitted photos / videos will go into the year level newsletter with winners announced at each level. 

Last week: ANZAC Day & Fun Sock Friday






Challenge 1 Juggling #PERSISTENCE

Being stuck at home is the perfect opportunity to learn how to juggle.  You may need to start with using 2 objects before moving to 3.  Remember to follow the college value of persistence and keep practising to improve this skill.  Send through a 15 second video to by Monday May 4. Don't forget to tell us your full name and home group. 

Challenge 2 Smoothie Drink or Bowl #FUN

Now is the perfect time to create a healthy smoothie drink or bowl to ensure you are getting brain food to help you through your work from home tasks.  Whether it is banana, berry or a recipe you have created yourself. Send through a photo of your delicious snack to by Monday May 4. Don't forget to include your full name and homegroup.


Look out for our winners in the next newsletter.