Student Work

Food Studies @ Home

This week we present more mouth watering and inspired breakfast ideas created by our talented Year 8 students. 


Thanks to Holly R, Charli K and Gemma W for these appetizing creations.


Exemplary work by Jaeda to demonstrate her cooking method as well as the delicious looking vegetable fritters she made.

ANZAC Activities

Imogen and Isis included Anzac biscuits as part of their Anzac day celebrations.


Self Portraits

Our students continue to amaze us with their talent and their obvious enjoyment of the self portrait exercise in Art.  Well done Shannon and Madie.

English - The Suburbs or The City

by Hudson R of 8E


In the suburbs or in the city, 

Everyone drowns in a pool of self-pity. 

No-one is nice or accepting, 

It seems like this exclusion is never ending.  

Is all hope gone for the lost and the damned? 

For we could rise, and the triumph will be grand! 

I am sure that life will go on, 

But if it does it will be so long. 

During this conflict I must be going, 

If it will ever end there is no knowing. 

Year 8 Concert Band students have enjoyed exploring loops in Bandlab for Education. Exploring the loops file, they have created their own pieces whilst developing their skills in using this new platform.   

PRSC Aqua Aerobics Team

This week, the PRSC Aqua Aerobics team had their first online training session through Microsoft Teams. Although it was not without its challenges, the students did a fantastic job in practicing the routine at home and are enjoying staying fit and connected as a team.