Principal's Report

Remote Year Level Assemblies 

This week, Year 7-10 students joined Microsoft Teams with the majority of students attending virtual assemblies that were held yesterday.  


Despite some minor technical issues and a small number of students getting up to speed with online expectations, I am really pleased with the students for navigating their way onto this platform so quickly. I was particularly impressed with the Year 9 and 10 assemblies this week which involved high levels of student inputs and references to ANZAC day.  


It was clear, particularly by the high use of the chat feature, that are our students are very keen to reconnect with their classmates. Given the current circumstances, this obviously comes at no surprise. 


Although there wasn't much opportunity for students to connect with each other in the level assemblies, this will become available next week as teachers set up class group chats. 


How will Microsoft Teams be used for Years 7-10?

We are aware that many families are juggling bandwidth, space and resources in the family home and that this limits the ability for students to be involved in a high volume of live lessons. 


Therefore, we are providing students with the opportunity to connect with their class for each subject once per week. Learning Tasks will remain on Compass. The sessions will provide students with an opportunity to ask questions about the task for the week, receive assistance and speak to their classmates. 


Our experience at senior school is that providing the ability to ask questions and receive assistance in real time reduces the workload for students and teachers alike. These sessions will begin in week 5. Each student will receive a timetable showing when these sessions are running so that they can plan out their week. 


From next week assemblies will run as follows:

Year 7: Mondays 1-1.20pm

Year 8: Wednesdays 1-1.20pm

Year 9: Mondays 11-11.45am

Year 10: Mondays 10-10.30am


Next steps in the roll out of Teams:

Next week: Year Level Assemblies & mentor class check in. 

Week 5: all classes begin using Microsoft Teams


As you can see from the below graph, there has been a massive uptake by staff and students on Microsoft Teams so far this term. There has already been over 20,000 messages and 3500 video calls (lessons and staff meetings). We might be working remotely but we are still incredibly connected. 

When will students return to onsite learning?

There has not been any change to the advice to schools that students will be working remotely for Term 2. The Victoria Government has said that they will only look at students returning to onsite learning once there is clear evidence that this does not present an unacceptable risk to the Victorian public. 

Student Newsletters

This week we published the first of our weekly newsletters for each year level. At this stage we will continue to publish the iNewsletter, with this platform focusing on keeping the parent community informed of general school information and activities. 

School Fees

At Monday's remote school council meeting, a motion was passed to credit families for service and materials charges for the length of time that we are working remotely for.  For example, if we end up working remotely for all of term 2, then families will be credited 25% of these fees that have been paid towards next year's fees or any new changes (e.g. excursion). 


I understand that there will be some families under significant financial stress at the moment due to the impact of the current pandemic on businesses. To assist, families are able to request reimbursement of these fees, To discuss this, or other assistance that may be able to be provided please call the general office or email and attention to the business manager. 

Student Workload

Please be reminded that we are expecting that junior students will completing approximately 3-4hrs of work per day.  If you feel as though your child is being presented with an excessive amount of work or work that is not at the appropriate level of challenge, then please email your child's designated coordinator or mentor teacher.  


As we transition junior students to Microsoft Teams, we will be moving some subjects to 1 learning task every two weeks, these include Art, Food Technology, IT, Y8 PE, Learning for Me and Learning for Now. 

VCE Update

The VCAA has advised schools that Unit 4 study designs have now been updated to reduce school-based assessment tasks where possible to relieve some pressure on students due to the move to remote and flexible learning arrangements. 


Teachers will advise students of these changes from the expected courses in the coming weeks. (Unit 4 usually commences later this term). 


Most Vocational Education & Training courses have now transitioned to online learning. All VET students should have been emailed an update by their course provided. Please contact a member of the senior school team if you have any question about your child's VET course. 


Like many others, I spent last Saturday morning listening to the dawn service on the ABC and standing outside my house in the breaking dawn. 


Reflecting on the past (and current) sacrifices of Australian military personnel certainly provides some much needed perspective of the current sacrifices that we find ourselves making today. 


Thank you to the students and families who shared images with us of them participating in ANZAC Day activities. 


VET/Pathways Coordinator - Karen Talbot will continue to be active and available in supporting students remotely via Microsoft teams:


Check out the PRSC Careers website  It will become a hub of up-to-date information regarding pathways and career choices.  It will be updated regularly, including the addition of upcoming virtual University open days, events and VTAC news.


Also, feel free to email:

Grade 6-7 Transition Update

Applications for Year 7 enrolment for 2021 have been extended to Friday 29 May 2020 due to COVID-19. Parents will need to return their preference form to their primary school by this date.


Primary schools are in the process of distributing these forms to Grade 6 families. The form can also be found via:

Due to the impact of current restrictions on planned transition events, Patterson River Secondary College is making a number of changes to planned events to support grade 6 families this term. These include:



• Registrations extended

• EXCEL Academic 

EXCEL Sports  

• Testing postponed until later this term/early next term due to the dynamic nature of our programs.



• Hear from the Principal and the Transition Team

• Live Q&A

• Thursday 7 May 11.00 am

• Tuesday 12 May 4.30 pm



• Arrange a 1:1 or phone or video call

• Arrange a group video call with friends

• To organise call (03) 8770 6700



Registrations extended

• Interview process postponed


Further Information:

Mr Daniel Dew

College Principal