Senior School News

Senior School Updates

Senior School Team

We have recently welcomed Ross Pearson to the team as Genelle Lentini takes on additional responsibilities as one of our Learning Specialists. 


For parents and students, your first point of contact for support is your child's House Leader:

Renea Betts - Head of House - Ignis and Hydra

Ross Pearson - Ignis House Leader

Amy McConnell - Hydra House Leader

Ruth Perkins - Head of House - Stella and Terra

Ben Ponte - Stella House Leader

Matthew Eardley - Terra House Leader

Fleur Lidyard - Senior School Assistant


The VCAA General Achievement Test (GAT) is a very important part of the formal assessment process will be undertaken by all students completing a Unit 3 & 4 subject in 2021 on Wednesday 9 June.  Students are expected to be at school by 9:00AM. 

For many students this is their first external examination and they need to be fully aware of protocols and procedures.


The General Achievement Test (GAT) plays very important role in the assessment process. If a student needs to apply for a Derived Examination Score the GAT is used in determining this derived score, therefore it is important to score as high as possible on all parts of the GAT. If students have done well on the GAT, then their achievements are likely to be high in their school assessments and examinations.


Students will be briefed and receive more information on the GAT over the next few weeks.  Some helpful information is available on the 'How to Complete the GAT' page and we strongly encourage students to take every opportunity to familiarise themselves with the format of the questions. Past papers are available here


The Senior School Team