Community News

Community News

Learn English at Thomastown West Community Hub

Improve your English, make new friends and learn more about your local community. This friendly and supportive program will help local residents build confidence in written and spoken English and engage in community activity.Fridays, 9.30 am —1.00 pm, 5 February — 25 June 2021,ongoing enrolments accepted.


English Conversation at Mernda Community HouseThis friendly and supportive program will help local residents build confidence in speaking, listening, reading and writing English.   Online Thursdays, 9.30am—12.00pm  28 January—24 June 2021, ongoing enrolments accepted.


Work With WoodA friendly, informal course for learning more about woodworking or improving your existing woodworking skills and knowledge.Undertake individual or group projects.Thursdays, 9.30am—2.30pm, 22 April—24 June 2021, 10 sessions.


Ring PRACE on 9462 6077  or visit our website:


Diamond Valley Athletics Club

The Diamond Valley Athletic Club invites students - & their parents - interested in a season of Cross Country running with Athletics Victoria, to register their interest with DVAC Registrar, Lyn Davis on mob: 0409 005 406 or email:


Competition age groups for girls and boys are Under 14, Under 16, Under 18 and Under 20. As well, the competition is available to Open age, 40+ & 50+ age categories. Training sessions are conducted on Tuesday and Thursday afternoons at Willinda Park from 5:00pm as well as on Saturday mornings.

The season of Cross Country running with AV commences on Saturday 1st May with Cross Country relays at Jells Park, Wheelers Hill. Junior athletes run a distance of 3km & senior athletes run legs of 6km.

 Come along to an Information Session at Willinda Park, Greensborough from 5:00pm on Thursday 22nd April 2021. Meet with DVAC Coaches & club representatives to find out more about the season of Cross Country running with AV and training sessions.

Bring your running attire to join in a training session.

The 2021 Winter season offers a mixture of Cross Country & Road running to cater for all abilities.

For further information, contact DVAC Secretary, Max Balchin on 0409 350 280 or check the websites or