
This term our focus in Mathematics will be in the field of data representation and fractions.
The focus of data representation will be on how statistics can be collected in a purposeful manner and used to drive decision making. Students will investigate the data derived from the GWPS Student Perspective Survey in Term One and will form generalisations about this data, making recommendations on how the school can be improved. This will include investigating methods of the most appropriate ways to present data through various graphs and tables.
Later in the term, Level Six classes will begin a unit on fractions, with a particular focus on using fractions in a diverse range of situations. We will investigate the importance of being able to justify abstract calculations of problems relating to fractions through pictorial and concrete methods. As always, Mathematics will be delivered in line with our SURF framework of Problem Solving, Understanding, Reasoning and Fluency to ensure students are developing their knowledge of all four proficiencies.
To support your child at home, you can encourage them to share their Essential Assessments results with you. Essential Assessment is specifically designed to highlight individual students' point of need in their mathematical learning. As such, we deliberately set these assessments so that children DO NOT achieve 100%. When viewing results on Essential Assessment, an ideal score falls in the range of 60%-80%, as this indicates that your child has a strong foundational knowledge of the concepts present in the assessment, however it also clearly identifies their area for improvement.
If you have any queries about the use of Essential Assessment, please feel free to contact your child's teacher.