Principal's Message

Mother’s Day Thank you

A huge thank you to parents for their tireless work in putting together the Mother’s Day stall. They put together a great selection of gifts. Thank you!

School Photos 

A reminder that school photos will be taken on Tuesday 18 May. Please place your order online or return your completed envelope to your child’s class teacher before the day. All students are to wear the full winter uniform on the day.


Term 2 Curriculum Information  

Classroom teachers have prepared Year level Curriculum Information letters which were uploaded in week 2. They have important information for parent/carers about the curriculum topics being “covered” during Term 2 2021 and also have relevant details about other specific activities (eg excursions) for the particular Year level, as well as reminders/information about other school procedures, library days, etc.


Please keep the Curriculum Information “handy” – perhaps put them on the fridge so parents/carers are aware of lesson topics and learning activities that are taking place in term 2. 


Staff Professional Learning 

Our talented and gifted staff team at Galilee undertake numerous additional responsibilities and studies in order to help provide a high level of learning and an up-to-date curriculum for all children in all Key Learning Areas. 


Teachers regularly meet to share, develop and discuss teaching and learning strategies and new innovations in learning. Staff meetings for this purpose are held each Tuesday afternoon. We also hold staff prayer and reflection. In all, it is the commitment that the staff give to their role in Catholic Education at Galilee that helps make the difference.


Cross Country Carnival 

A huge congratulations to our students who qualified for the Sydney Catholic Schools Cross Country Carnival held at Eastern Creek - there was great spirit and enthusiasm in the difficult conditions. 


Thank you to Ms Gonzalez for training the students! 

Principal for a Day: So what does Mrs Novak really do?


After a successful auction bid at the comedy night, Flynn had the chance to see what it was like to be a "Principal for a Day" and loved the variety, fast pace, smiling faces and challenges.

Flynn said it was an eventful and hectic day which he didn’t expect. Flynn discovered being a principal was actually more than “just walking around”. Beginning the morning positively with a whole school prayer, presenting awards and announcing birthday acknowledgements was a wonderful way of celebrating students' value and hard work and getting the school day started. 


Answering the phone, meeting with builders, raising the school banner, supporting playground supervision, lunch with friends, and visiting the staff room required scheduling and time management. Discussing work with students from Kindergarten to Year 6 and being prepared for decision-making while discussing curriculum needed effective listening skills and empathy. 


And finally, creating a sculpture required loads of creativity and a solid vision. Flynn certainly showed great leadership, initiative, organisational skills, inventiveness and empathy - all skills needed to be a principal, even for a day. Flynn also achieved a huge step count by the end of his tenure, he’s definitely a principal in the making. 


SCS Family Forum: Part of Something Bigger

Every child at a SCS school is not only a vital part of their own school community but is part of something bigger; benefitting from the scale and resources, as well as the broader community and partnerships, of the SCS system.


Join Executive Director, Tony Farley, to understand the current and future collaboration initiatives that are creating new and diverse opportunities for all SCS students. We will also talk about SCS’s focus on the community. What are the values, skills and capabilities we want to nurture and develop in our students to prepare them to work together to make a difference in the world?

Please join us and help guide the discussion through our interactive poll.

Date:          Tuesday, 25 May at 7.00pm

Duration:    40 minutes

Where:       Online




Anna Novak