Curriculum News  

Rise to the Challenge 

The Writing Block

Every student at Galilee everyday participates in The Writing Block. The Writing Block includes Modelled or Shared writing, Guided writing & Independent writing.


What do Good Writers Do? 

Good Writers: 

  • Write for a purpose and audience 
  • Generate their own ideas 
  • Organise their ideas into sentences and paragraphs 
  • Spell words correctly 
  • Use sophisticated vocabulary 
  • Use grammar appropriately 
  • Punctuate their writing 
  • Write with uniformed sized letters and spaces


Types of Texts 

Imaginative, informative and persuasive texts are the three most commonly taught text types in schools. Students are exposed to these text types through modelling by the teacher and through their own writing. These three text types have distinct purposes with their own unique structures and language features. 


Imaginative texts’ primary purpose is to entertain through their imaginative use of literary elements. Traditionally, imaginative texts included narratives, ‘fairy tales’, poetry and plays. 


Informative texts are there to provide information. Informative texts typically take the form of descriptions, a recount of an event, instructions or directions and news articles or bulletins. 


Lastly, persuasive texts put forward a point of view and strive to persuade the reader into taking that proposed view. Persuasive texts are evident in advertisements, debates, influential essays and articles. 


Each text type has its own specific language which is used to help convey the messages, themes and primary goals of the text. When constructing the different types of types, students must make conscious language choices to make their text effective and appropriate to the genre