Principal's Message

Winter Uniforms changeover – Neatness and Presentation of Uniforms

It is now that all students are wearing the correct Winter Uniform. Our changeover period is now concluded and the cooler weather is coming.


At Galilee it is our expectation that correct uniforms (including shoes) are worn each day. Having neat and well-presented uniforms is certainly a sign of school pride and parents/carers support for this is greatly appreciated.


Thank you to all Galilee families for your anticipated support and compliance with our uniform policy and requirements.


NAPLAN – National Literacy and Numeracy online testing 2021

Last week and this week has seen our students in Years 3 and 5 being involved in the 2021 NAPLAN tests. This was the first year that students participated in an online test environment (except Year 3 writing) and it was fantastic to see how committed and enthusiastic our students were in undertaking their reading, language conventions and numeracy tests.


We will receive the results of the NAPLAN tests for the Years 3 and 5 students in a much shorter timeframe with the advantage of the online format.


We congratulate the Year 3 and 5 students (and their teachers) on their great efforts in preparing for, and then completing, the test program.



Sydney Catholic Schools (SCS) has announced its first Family Forum, Part of Something Bigger, an exciting online event on Tuesday, 25 May 2021 at 7.00pm. This forum will bring together parents and carers from across the 150 primary and secondary schools that make up the SCS system to hear from SCS Executive Director, Tony Farley. He will be talking about the programs and major initiatives underway to build collaborative networks of excellence across our schools that will deliver on our vision, and commitment, to build thriving Catholic communities through excellence in teaching and learning.


According to Tony Farley, “We know that families of our students, and the wider community, are eager to know more about the opportunities that are available to their children.  Our new Family Forums will be run each term and are designed so that everyone can learn more about how we are equipping our students with the skills, knowledge, and opportunities they need to become active, global citizens,” he said.


We encourage everyone in our school community to register for the first Family Forum via this link:

If you are unable to join the online event, be sure to still register and you will receive a recording of the presentation post event. While this event has been designed for current parents and carers, anyone who is considering a Sydney Catholic School as an education option for their children is more than welcome.

Cyber Safety Talk 

On Monday Year 4 and Stage 3 students had a cyber safety talk with senior constable Dani Saric Youth Officer from the Eastern Suburbs Police. Dani discussed the importance of students staying safe online, using critical thinking skills when online.  




Anna Novak
