Creative Arts

Cabaret 2021

On Friday 26th and Saturday 27th March, Marian Club Cabaret presented our ‘Totally 80s’ nights. Students from years 8 to 12 and staff from a number of departments demonstrated their talents on the stage as musicians, actors, artists and in the kitchens as chefs and front of house. 


The Marcellin hall was transformed, with professional staging, lighting and sound from Pristine productions, 80’s decorations and Cabaret style table settings. 


The audience was taken back to the 80’s with musical hits from our bands and singers and drama skits from the MCs. Many hours of rehearsals were rewarded with high quality performances from all the students and staff. If you haven’t been to a Marian Club Cabaret before, I highly recommend coming to the next one to experience the atmosphere and talents of our Marian community.


I would like to thank all the Creative Arts, hospitality, office and many other staff members for their time and energy in putting on these productions. Thank you to Calabria Wines for your generous sponsorship of this event.

Mr Segrave

Creative Arts Co-ordinator