Cranbourne Campus News

A word from the wise…

At a time when extended lockdown, residential isolation, and the idea of remote schooling has the potential to get some of us down, we need look no further than the wise words of our 2020 student executive whose compromised and yet inspired leadership tenure draws to a close in the coming week.

I do not think that anyone thought that the metropolitan Melbourne measures to try to contain COVID, would be easy however the sense of hope and perspective that has come from this group of student leaders is truly inspirational. If we talk about the need to prepare young people for a very uncertain world that is changing exponentially, then the resilience, leadership agility and adaptability shown by these eight leaders and their 16 House Captains, holds them in good stead for those uncertain times. 

The St. Peter’s College community thanks College Captains Brendon Quintal and Talia Parker, Liturgy Captain Gabrielle Hill, Social Justice Captain Mia Clauscen, Environment Captain Josh Bennett, Arts Captain Ruby Smith and Sports Captains Mathew Phillips and Talya Cunnington for their individual and collective  contribution to making St. Peter’s College a place of strength and solidarity where we are inspired to look after each other in times of struggle to look up and outward and not down to our toes.

Some final words for the term from our student captains.


"Something that I've learnt as a student leader during a pandemic is that a good leader should be able to adapt to any given environment or circumstances and make the most out of a situation. This is important so that the people surrounding the leader can keep their faith and trust in them."

 - Talia Parker, College Captain 2020


"Being a student leader is a challenge taken on by many, however, this year I'd like to say I was lucky to be one during a pandemic. The reason being is that it challenged me to push myself harder as a leader. One of the hardest things I've had to face during this pandemic is communication with my peers, and one thing that I've learned is that communication is the key to being an effective leader."

- Brendon Quintal, College Captain 2020


"Throughout this pandemic, the one thing I learned as a student leader is the true need of resilience and motivation. Everything may seem hopeless, but no matter what you have to keep pushing forward if you expect any success."

- Josh Bennett, Environment Captain 2020


"Advice that I have for the class of 2021.

Ask for help when you need it, try your best and don't sweat the small things because the year will be over before you know it."  

- Mia Clauscen, Social Justice Captain 2020


"My advice for the class of 2021 is cherish every single moment you have at school. Whether it be with your teachers or your peers, spend valuable time you have with them because when you’re in your final year, everything happens extremely quickly and before you know it, it will all be gone."

- Gabrielle Hill, Liturgy Captain 2020


In the new term we will be introduced to a new Leadership team for 2021. There are certain many lessons of wisdom for our leaders of 2020 who have proven to be pioneers through a complex period.


Mr Jeremy Wright

Deputy Principal - Head of Cranbourne Campus