Clyde North Campus News

Ten Weeks of Achievements

As Term 3 starts to draw to a close and our holidays might not be full of the usual activities or met with the same level of excitement and enthusiasm as in previous years, we can still take this time to relax, move away from screens and enjoy the warmth and freshness of Spring. The end of term is always a good opportunity to reflect on what we have achieved in the past ten weeks. As you will see from the list below, we have achieved a lot this term:

  • The development of a Student Wellbeing Page that is full of activities, information and fun.
  • Loved Keeping up with the Kaptains.
  • Teachers felt valued and grateful for the thank you video developed by the College Captains on behalf of the students.
  • Proven beyond reasonable doubt that many of us now have a full suite of ICT skills not previously tried, tested or even thought was possible.
  • The development of a Staff Wellbeing Page, providing opportunities for staff to have some fun, share ideas and support one another.
  • Subject selection and Parent Teacher Interviews conducted via zoom which proved most efficient and effective.
  • Time travel is possible, well in zoom land at least.
  • Truly embraced the future with our Virtual Futures Event.
  • Unearthed an enormous array of talent in St Peter’s Got Talent, staff and students alike.
  • Kept the Rosemary Graham Shield alive and flourishing.
  • Elected new College and House Captains for 2021.
  • Walked our way to the Solomon Islands to show our support for the Bishop Epalle School.
  • Celebrated Science week with the weird and wonderful.
  • Celebrated the feast days of Kolbe and Augustine cross campus.
  • Celebrated R U OK day and made a pledge to keep the conversation going long after the question.
  • Celebrated Active/Footy colours day in a most unique fashion under the wonderful direction and lead of the VCAL students.

In fact, remote learning has indeed brought us closer as a whole school because via zoom we can meet so easily without travel time, bus hire or moving furniture.  Above all we have learnt that we are resilient, talented and adaptive whilst always remaining curious to know more and to do more. While it may have felt awkward, frustrating and plain old boring at times, staff, students and parents have kept the care factor high, to ensure that not one of us fell through the cracks of the zoom screen. Be proud of what you have achieved this term. College Captains stand proud because you have led strongly and with amazing innovation. Yes, there is still Term 4, and exams and possibly more remote learning, but remember we can do this if we stand together and focus on what we have and have achieved already.



This year National Child Protection Week will celebrate its 30th year with the theme: Putting children first…Putting children first means prioritising the safety and wellbeing of children. To grow up well children need to feel safe and loved, have a chance to play and explore, have a say in decisions that affect them, and access to essential things like food, shelter and healthcare.  For children to thrive we need to come together as a community and put children’s needs first during National Child Protection Week and every week. (NAPCAN)


NAPCAN have a great website full of advice and strategies not only to deal with issues of child abuse and neglect but also for those day to day issues that can arise in all homes. I refer to things like the difficult adolescent who seemingly doesn’t listen, clean their room etc, or how do I talk to my children who seem to know than me, their parent! As parents we are navigating an ever-changing landscape of a complex society in which our children are growing up in. We all need support and should allow ourselves the opportunity to learn more about parenting in the 21st Century, let alone in this year of remote learning and COVID 19. I encourage all to visit the NAPCAN website.


House Captain Speeches

Well done to all of the students who themselves forward as candidates for House Captains 2021. The speeches were wonderful, inspiring and spoke so beautifully of the love and passion our students have for their House and our College. Good luck to all candidates as they go through the next phase of the process, the interviews. We look forward to announcing the House Captains 2021 on Thursday, 17 September 2020 during House Assemblies.


I wish you all a safe and productive week.


Julie Banda

Deputy Principal - Head of Clyde North Campus